to change the place holder of ng2 smart table
Step 1: goto-->
add below lines in you var column ,
this.placeholder = '';
it will look like
var Column = (function () {
function Column(id, settings, dataSet) { = id;
this.settings = settings;
this.dataSet = dataSet;
this.title = '';
this.placeholder = '';
this.type = '';
this.class = '';
this.isSortable = false;
this.isEditable = true;
this.isFilterable = false;
this.sortDirection = '';
this.defaultSortDirection = '';
this.editor = { type: '', config: {}, component: null };
this.filter = { type: '', config: {} };
this.renderComponent = null;
Step 2: on same file -->
Add this.placeholder = this.settings['placeholder'];
in Column.prototype.process = function () {},
it will look like this
Column.prototype.process = function () {
this.title = this.settings['title'];
this.placeholder = this.settings['placeholder'];
this.class = this.settings['class'];
this.type = this.prepareType();
this.editor = this.settings['editor'];
this.filter = this.settings['filter'];
this.renderComponent = this.settings['renderComponent'];
this.isFilterable = typeof this.settings['filter'] === 'undefined' ? true : !!this.settings['filter'];
this.defaultSortDirection = ['asc', 'desc']
.indexOf(this.settings['sortDirection']) !== -1 ? this.settings['sortDirection'] : '';
this.isSortable = typeof this.settings['sort'] === 'undefined' ? true : !!this.settings['sort'];
this.isEditable = typeof this.settings['editable'] === 'undefined' ? true : !!this.settings['editable'];
this.sortDirection = this.prepareSortDirection();
this.compareFunction = this.settings['compareFunction'];
this.valuePrepareFunction = this.settings['valuePrepareFunction'];
this.filterFunction = this.settings['filterFunction'];
step 3: goto node_modules\ng2-smart-table\components\filter\filter-types\input-filter.component.js and change the below line --> from
selector: 'input-filter',
template: "\n <input [(ngModel)]=\"query\"\n [ngClass]=\"inputClass\"\n [formControl]=\"inputControl\"\n class=\"form-control\"\n type=\"text\"\n placeholder=\" {{ column.title}}\" />\n ",
selector: 'input-filter',
template: "\n <input [(ngModel)]=\"query\"\n [ngClass]=\"inputClass\"\n [formControl]=\"inputControl\"\n class=\"form-control\"\n type=\"text\"\n placeholder=\" {{ column.placeholder }}\" />\n ",
step 4: goto your component.ts and add the below line in you column details like below -->
columns: {
ExamID: {
title: this.translate.get("table.ExamID")["value"],
**placeholder:"your place holder",**
type: "string"
you are ready to go
implementation, there is not way to configure the placeholder for the filters. Filter placeholder is declared asplaceholder="{{ column.title }}"
. If you really need to implement then I am scared that you need to overlay it. – Clypeate