I try to create an UI where there is a form with a couple of text fields, a input type="file"
and a div
that you can drop images to upload with the rest of the form.
My goal / logic
use the same div
to either drop an image or click on it and open the folder explorer like the input type="file"
behaves. Enabling clicking makes sense in small screens where it is practically impossible to "drag and drop". And since there is already a input type="file"
in the form there is no reason to take the image from the div
and append it to the form etc etc. I try to take the image that is dropped in the div
, set it as a value in the input type="file"
and submit the form once. (if user clicked on the div
, then the input type="file"
already has a value , so again I am free to submit the form again).
Here is the code
<div id="imageDrop" (click)='imageInput.click()' (drop)="drop($event)" (dragover)="allowDrop($event)" #imageDrop>
<input type="file" formControlName="imageInput" required #imageInput id="imageInput" (change)='imageChange($event)' > <!-- use css to hide it -->
So, when imageDrop
is clicked, actually call the imageChange
via (click)='imageInput.click()'
This is the typescript in the component.
//imageUpload is the name of the reactive form
acceptedImageTypes = {'image/png': true,'image/jpeg': true,'image/gif': true};
@ViewChild('imageDrop') imageDrop;
allowDrop(e) {
drop(e) {
//clear in case we selected something before via click
if (this.acceptedImageTypes[files[0].type] !== true){
this.imageDrop.nativeElement.innerHTML="Not an image";
else if (files.length>1){
this.imageDrop.nativeElement.innerHTML="Only one image/time";
else { this.readfiles(files); }
const reader = new FileReader();
let image = new Image();
reader.onload = (event) =>{
let fileReader = event.target as FileReader;
image.src = fileReader.result;
image.width = 150;
if (this.imageUpload.controls.imageInput.value==null) {
//if its null then means that we dragging an img, so the previous image from the input file is deleted
//now we got to put this image to the input file in order to submit the form
this.imageUpload.controls.imageInput.reset(files[0] );
//when form submit, for now just check image value to check if its the right one
console.log('IMAGE VALUE SUBMIT = = ',this.imageUpload.controls.imageInput.value);
When I try to drag/drop an image, I get this ERROR DOMException: Failed to set the 'value' property on 'HTMLInputElement': This input element accepts a filename, which may only be programmatically set to the empty string
that points to this HTML line <div id="imageDrop" (click)='imageInput.click()' (drop)="drop($event)" (dragover)="allowDrop($event)" #imageDrop>
but I am sure it is related to the
if (this.imageUpload.controls.imageInput.value==null) {
this.imageUpload.controls.imageInput.reset(files[0] );
part of the readfiles
Any ideas how to fix this, so the file input can get a value and be then free to submit the form?
? But, I want it to have the image as a value. – Freehandedthis.imageUpload.controls.imageInput.reset(files[0] );
makes more sense here. I am trying to fix this and when I create a stackblitz I will let you know. – FreehandedTemplate parse errors
, but at least this is the whole code and that gives me the problem. Thanks again – Freehanded