In the app I use, I cannot select a match Group 1.
The result that I can use is the full match from a regex.
but I need the 5th word "jumps" as a match result and not the complete match "The quick brown fox jumps"
^(?:[^ ]*\ ){4}([^ ]*)
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Here is a link
^(?<=(?:\S+ ){4})\S+
or^(?:\S+ ){4}\S+
– Kentiggerma\w+
, 2nd:^(?<=\w+ )\w+
, 3rd:^(?<=(?:\w+ ){2})\w+
, 4th:^(?<=(?:\w+ ){3})\w+
and so on... Is that what you want? – Kentiggerma^\w+ \K\w+
and^(?:\w+ ){2}\K\w+
and so on... – Kentiggerma