The multirow subselect will be used in the right hand side of the in
operator in the where
create table t (a integer);
insert into t (a) values (1), (9);
drop function if exists f();
create function f()
returns void as $$
execute '
select a
from t
where a in $1
' using (select 1 union select 2);
language plpgsql;
select f();
ERROR: more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression
CONTEXT: SQL statement "SELECT (select 1 union select 2)"
PL/pgSQL function "f" line 3 at EXECUTE statement
How to achieve what the above function would if it worked?
). The necessity is that the table is partitioned and if thewhere
parameters are not constants the planner will not optimize the query. – Logrolling