Platform: - AWS Instance with 16 cores and 128 GIG RAM. - Redhat Enterprise 7.5. - R. - RStudio Server. - Plumber API exposes R functions as Web Service endpoints. - Client side is Excel VBA.
Problem: - Data table with different types of columns including double, integers, and strings data. - Right before R endpoint function sends the response (the table) and when I check the double data in the data table, all the entries are between 6 and 10 decimal-place long. - As soon as the table arrives in JSON format at the client side, 99% of the double columns are rounded to 4 decimal-place long.
Any idea what could be the problem - why do the doubles get rounded and where does the rounding take place and how can I prevent that? - I tried different request header settings and it did not work. - I tried to send the impacted double column/s as a vector/s or list/s but I get the same "enforced" rounding.
Thanks in advance