I would like to define a button's padding the same way as in C# XAML files. Instead of writing things like:
<Button fx:id="btn1" ...>
<Insets top="0" right="5" bottom="10" left="5" />
<Button fx:id="btn2" ...>
<Insets topRightBottomLeft="5" />
, it would be easier to write:
<Button fx:id="btn1" ... padding="0 5 10 5" />
<Button fx:id="btn2" ... padding="5" />
I don't know why is there this limitation for the "padding" property. I have seen on the FXML documentation that type coercion can be done implementing a valueOf() method for the given type :
public static Insets valueOf(String info) {
// Data retrieval
But I don't know where to place it, because Insets class is locked (JDK). Because this is a static method, I thought that the method could be implemented elsewhere, but launching the application always gives me a coercion error :
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to coerce 0 5 10 5 to class javafx.geometry.Insets.
For the moment, the only solution I have found is to:
- Define a new FXML component called GButton, that inherits Button
- Define a Spacing class that inherits Insets and implement a valueOf method for this class
- Add a "space" property for GButton (instance of ObjectProperty<Spacing>) which has the same behaviour as "padding", and define its getter and its setter.
Is there a simple way to define FXML "padding" into the Button markup, without creating a class inherited from Insets?
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