I have two different user objects in my application, one App\User
and one App\Admin
. For both, I have different guards for authentication.
My default guard is the web
guard for model App\User
and I also have an admin
guard for the model App\Admin
For example, this code
$admin = factory(\App\Admin::class)->make();
dd([\Auth::check(), \Auth::guard('admin')->check()]);
[false, true]
as expected.
However, inside my feature test I am doing this:
$admin = factory(\App\Admin::class)->make();
$response = $this->actingAs($admin, 'admin')
dd([\Auth::check(), \Auth::guard('admin')->check()]);
this returns for some reason
[true, true]
This causes all kind of errors (For example I have a log middleware for normal users, and trying to store the admin as normal user throws foreign_key exceptions etc.).
Why is actingAs
enabling both guards? Is it a bug in Laravel 5.6 or am I doing something wrong?