I am attempting to set a notification priority to HIGH
, as noted in the docs here and specific parameter defined here. However, when I set this property in my cloud function, I get the following error when attempting to deploy:
src/index.ts:107:35 - error TS2345: Argument of type '{ tokens: string[]; notification: { title: string; body: any; }; data: { title: any; subtitle: any; body: any; id: any; }; android: { notification: { icon: string; channel_id: string; tag: any; }; priority: string; }; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'MulticastMessage'.
The types of 'android.priority' are incompatible between these types.
Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"normal" | "high" | undefined'.
107 admin.messaging().sendMulticast(message)
I understand this means I shouldn't be entering a string. But according to the docs, that's the expected type. Not only that, but I'm very confused on what type it's referring to in the quotations marks '"normal | "high" | undefined'
. What is that type?
Here is the full message container being set:
const message = {
tokens: tokens,
notification: {
title: snapshot.data().sender_username + " - " + snapshot.data().group_name,
body: snapshot.data().content
data: {
title: snapshot.data().group_name,
subtitle: snapshot.data().sender_username,
body: snapshot.data().content,
id: message_topic
android: {
notification: {
icon: 'add_circle_outline',
channel_id: 'exampleChannelId',
tag: message_topic
priority: "high" // <-- This is where the error is thrown
line after building the message rather than just sending the message, but upvoted and marked as answer since your links were also helpful! First link helped with setting priority – Roux