My Question Is :
Is The time()
[10 Digits Number (Seconds)] can Be Increased to 11 or 12 digits ?
The Purpose of Asking This Question is I am creating A uniq transaction id depending on that and with some other variable.. I have to maintain a Length of 18 Digits (Numbers only)
Edit : Note I dont want to make it longer.. As it increases to 11/12 digits i have to make the rest 7/8 digits dynamically .. Because i am using 2 randomiser for that last 7/8 digits
Will it make sense => rand(8 Digits)
vs rand(3)
+ rand(3)
+ rand(2)
For Collision Purpose ??
returns the current time measured in the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT). – Checklist