I've been spending way too much time trying to solve this problem. So the code that I posted below does work in terms of downloading a file, but the problem is, the flow has a very unexpected behaviour. The response.content.readAvailable()
method call seems to block until it's completely done downloading the whole file at which point the emit progress happens, so you end up waiting a long time for the file to download, and then in a split second you get all of the progress updates. So I'm wondering if there is a way to do this where I read in a certain number of bytes at a time and then emit a progress and then repeat until the file is done downloading? Or maybe a way to hook into the readAvailable() method and update the progress that way? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
Here's the code I found and modified, but still does not work right:
suspend fun HttpClient.downloadFile(
output: File,
downloadUrl: String,
md5Hash: String,
) = flow {
try {
val response = get<HttpResponse> { url(downloadUrl) }
val data = ByteArray(response.contentLength()?.toInt() ?: 0)
val contentLn = response.contentLength()?.toInt() ?: 0
var offset = 0
var bytesRemaining = contentLn
do {
val chunkSize = min(maxChunkSize, bytesRemaining)
logger?.d { "Read Available:" }
val result = response.content.readAvailable(data, offset, length = chunkSize)
val progress = ((offset / contentLn.toDouble()) * 100).toInt()
logger?.d { "logged progress: $progress" }
// delay(6000L) this was to test my assumption that the readAvalible was blocking.
offset += chunkSize
bytesRemaining -= chunkSize
} while (result != -1)
if (response.status.isSuccess()) {
if (data.md5().hex == md5Hash) {
} else {
} else {
} catch (e: TimeoutCancellationException) {
emit(DownloadResult.ErrorRequestTimeout("Connection timed out", e))