The class shown below should help with some of the methods of shell32 in C# .
you should add the reference of "Microsoft Shell command and automation" with the reference window by righting clicking the project .
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace MusicMuttPrototype
public class clsShellFileInfo
public Exception errorException;
public enum FileDetailInfo
Name = 0,
Year = 15,
Size = 1,
Track_Number = 19,
Type = 2,
Genre = 20,
Date_Modified = 3,
Duration = 27,
Date_Created = 4,
Bit_Rate = 28,
Date_Accessed = 5,
Protected = 23,
Attributes = 6,
Camera_Model = 24,
Status = 7,
Date_Picture_Taken = 25,
Owner = 8,
Dimensions = 26,
Author = 9,
Not_used = 27,
Title = 10,
Not_used_file = 28,
Subject = 11,
//Not_used = 29,
Category = 12,
Company = 30,
Pages = 13,
Description = 31,
Comments = 14,
File_Version = 32,
Copyright = 15,
Product_Name_Chapter = 33,
//Scripting Quicktest Profess11ional Page 63
Artist = 16,
Product_Version = 34,
Album_Title = 17,
Retrieves_the_info_tip_inf = -1
public string getFileDetails(string fileFolder, string filePath, FileDetailInfo infotype)
string strReturnval = "";
Shell32.Shell fileshell = new Shell32.Shell();
Shell32.Folder fileshellfolder = fileshell.NameSpace(fileFolder);
Shell32.FolderItem Item = fileshellfolder.ParseName(filePath);
strReturnval = fileshellfolder.GetDetailsOf(Item, (int)infotype);
catch (Exception ex)
errorException = ex;
return strReturnval;