extract font character image from ttf file
Asked Answered



Does anyone knows how to extract the characters image from a font(ttf) file?

Tyner answered 4/1, 2010 at 22:5 Comment(0)

TTF is a vector format, so there are no characters shapes, really. Load the font, select it into a device context (a memory one), render a character, grab a bitmap.

Relevant APIs: AddFontResource, CreateFont, CreateDC, CreateBitmap, SelectObject, TextOut (or DrawText).

Acquirement answered 4/1, 2010 at 22:8 Comment(0)

You can use GetGlyphOutline with GGO_BEZIER to get the shape of a single character.

Wintertime answered 4/1, 2010 at 22:18 Comment(1)
do you know the same function in C#?Tyner

For the sake of completeness I'd like to add a GUI and Python way to this pretty old thread.

If the goal is to extract images (as e.g. png) from a .ttf file I found two pretty straight forward ways which both involve the open-source program fontforge (Link to their website):

  • GUI Way (Suitable for extracting a handful of characters): Open the .ttf file in fontforge click on the character you want to export. Then: file -> export -> format:png
  • CLI / Python Way (Suitable for automation): FontForge has a cli api for python 2.7 which allows to automate the extraction of the images. Refer to this superuser thread for a complete script.

Link 1: https://fontforge.org/en-US/
Link 2: https://superuser.com/questions/1337567/how-do-i-convert-a-ttf-into-individual-png-character-images

Isaiasisak answered 9/10, 2020 at 8:29 Comment(0)

To obtain the image, the primary task is to process the glyf table. You need to find a way to parse this table.

Assuming you can fully parse it form ttf, there are a few scenarios:

  1. Simple Glyph
  2. Composite Glyph

The following discussion will focus on Simple Glyph.

type SimpleGlyph struct {
    Header struct {
        NumberOfContours int16
        XMin             int16
        YMin             int16
        XMax             int16
        YMax             int16
    EndPtsOfContours  []uint16
    InstructionLength uint16
    Instructions      []uint8 // Related to font hinting (affects small font rendering)
    Flags []struct { // It is actually 1 byte, for easier reading, I turned it into this struct
        OnCurve                       bool // bit 0 // In Go language, bool is a byte
        XShortVector                  bool // bit 1
        YShortVector                  bool // bit 2
        Repeat                        bool // bit 3
        XIsSameOrPositiveXShortVector bool // bit 4
        YIsSameOrPositiveYShortVector bool // bit 5
        OverlapSimple                 bool // bit 6
    // You need to parse this to get X, Y. The actual data might be 1 byte or 2 bytes. You need to rely on flags to determine how many bytes to read. For convenience, we use larger spaces to store them.
    XCoordinates []int16 
    YCoordinates []int16

For each Simple Glyph, you can summarize the following information:

NumberOfContours, Point{X, Y, Flags}

With this information, you can start drawing. Refer to the following method for drawing:


  function drawPath(data) {
    const paths = []
    const contours = Object.groupBy(data, ({ContourIdx}) => {
      return ContourIdx

    for (const [_, points] of Object.entries(contours)) {
      let d = ""
      for (let i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {

        const pt = points[i]

        if (i === 0) {
          d += `M ${pt.X} ${pt.Y * -1}`

        if (pt.OnCurve) {
          d += ` L ${pt.X} ${pt.Y * -1}`
        } else {
          if (points[i - 1].OnCurve) {
            d += ` Q ${pt.X} ${pt.Y * -1}`
          } else {
            d += ` ${pt.X} ${pt.Y * -1}`
      d += " Z"
    return paths

  // data from glyph Table
  const data = [
    {"ContourIdx": 0, "PtIdx": 0, "X": 1346, "Y": 53, "OnCurve": true},
    {"ContourIdx": 0, "PtIdx": 1, "X": 1190, "Y": -27, "OnCurve": true},
    {"ContourIdx": 0, "PtIdx": 2, "X": 1186, "Y": -16, "OnCurve": false},
    {"ContourIdx": 0, "PtIdx": 3, "X": 1069, "Y": 260, "OnCurve": false},

    {"ContourIdx": 0, "PtIdx": 4, "X": 973, "Y": 477, "OnCurve": true},
    {"ContourIdx": 0, "PtIdx": 5, "X": 375, "Y": 477, "OnCurve": true},
    {"ContourIdx": 0, "PtIdx": 6, "X": 270, "Y": 244, "OnCurve": false},
    {"ContourIdx": 0, "PtIdx": 7, "X": 156, "Y": -12, "OnCurve": false},

    {"ContourIdx": 0, "PtIdx": 8, "X": 150, "Y": -27, "OnCurve": true},
    {"ContourIdx": 0, "PtIdx": 9, "X": 16, "Y": 45, "OnCurve": true},
    {"ContourIdx": 0, "PtIdx": 10, "X": 42, "Y": 97, "OnCurve": false},
    {"ContourIdx": 0, "PtIdx": 11, "X": 419, "Y": 910, "OnCurve": false},

    {"ContourIdx": 0, "PtIdx": 12, "X": 622, "Y": 1358, "OnCurve": true},
    {"ContourIdx": 0, "PtIdx": 13, "X": 752, "Y": 1358, "OnCurve": true},
    {"ContourIdx": 0, "PtIdx": 14, "X": 952, "Y": 910, "OnCurve": false},
    {"ContourIdx": 0, "PtIdx": 15, "X": 1338, "Y": 70, "OnCurve": false},

    {"ContourIdx": 1, "PtIdx": 16, "X": 916, "Y": 605, "OnCurve": true},
    {"ContourIdx": 1, "PtIdx": 17, "X": 862, "Y": 727, "OnCurve": false},
    {"ContourIdx": 1, "PtIdx": 18, "X": 742, "Y": 993, "OnCurve": false},

    {"ContourIdx": 1, "PtIdx": 19, "X": 676, "Y": 1138, "OnCurve": true},
    {"ContourIdx": 1, "PtIdx": 20, "X": 672, "Y": 1138, "OnCurve": true},
    {"ContourIdx": 1, "PtIdx": 21, "X": 621, "Y": 1028, "OnCurve": false},
    {"ContourIdx": 1, "PtIdx": 22, "X": 477, "Y": 707, "OnCurve": false},

    {"ContourIdx": 1, "PtIdx": 23, "X": 430, "Y": 605, "OnCurve": true},
    {"ContourIdx": 1, "PtIdx": 24, "X": 431, "Y": 604, "OnCurve": true},
    {"ContourIdx": 1, "PtIdx": 25, "X": 915, "Y": 604, "OnCurve": true},

  const svg = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'svg')
  svg.setAttribute("width", "2048") // size from head.UnitsPerEm : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/head
  svg.setAttribute("height", "2048")
  const g = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'g')
  g.setAttribute("stroke", "black")
  g.setAttribute('stroke-width', '1')
  g.setAttribute("fill", "transparent")
  g.setAttribute("style", "transform: translate(0, 2000px)")
  const paths = drawPath(data)
  for (const d of paths) {
    const path = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'path')
    path.setAttributeNS(null, 'd', d)

When you have the point and the onCurve information, you can actually deduce it through observation and experimentation. You can modify the following information to draw some shapes freely.

<svg width="2000" height="2000">
  <g stroke="black" fill="transparent" transform="translate(0 1900)">

  // M 1346 53 => M 1346 -53
  function inverseY(d) {
    return d.map(str => {
      let [type, ...ss] = str.split(" ")
      if (ss.length > 1) {
        ss = ss.map((e, i)=> {
          if (i % 2 === 1) {
            return `${Number(e) * -1}`
          return e
      return [type, ...ss].join(" ")

  for (const contour of [
      "M 1346 53",
      "L 1190 -27",
      "Q 1186 -16 1069 260 ",

      "L 973 477",
      "L 375 477",
      "Q 270 244 156 -12 ",

      "L 150 -27",
      "L 16 45",
      "Q 42 97 419 910 ",

      "L 622 1358",
      "L 752 1358",
      "Q 952 910 1338 70",
      "M 916 605 ",
      "Q 862 727 742 993",

      "L 676 1138",
      "L 672 1138 ",
      "Q 621 1028 477 707",

      "L 430 605",
      "L 431 604",
      "L 915 604",
  ]) {
    const path = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'path')
    path.setAttribute('d', inverseY(contour).join(" "))
Karakul answered 22/5, 2024 at 9:23 Comment(0)

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