correct glsl affine texture mapping
Asked Answered



i'm trying to code correct 2D affine texture mapping in GLSL.


...NONE of this images is correct for my purposes. Right (labeled Correct) has perspective correction which i do not want. So this: Getting to know the Q texture coordinate solution (without further improvements) is not what I'm looking for.

I'd like to simply "stretch" texture inside quadrilateral, something like this:

enter image description here

but composed from two triangles. Any advice (GLSL) please?

Fajardo answered 13/9, 2012 at 20:59 Comment(2)
Are the upper vertices behind the lower ones, or are you just scaling the quad's vertex positions?Unbeatable
scaling, all coordinates are in 2D (i've just amend my post)Fajardo

thanks for answers, but after experimenting i found a solution.

two triangles on the left has uv (strq) according this and two triangles on the right are modifed version of this perspective correction.

Numbers and shader:

tri1 = [Vec2(-0.5, -1), Vec2(0.5, -1), Vec2(1, 1)]
tri2 = [Vec2(-0.5, -1), Vec2(1, 1), Vec2(-1, 1)]

d1 = length of top edge = 2
d2 = length of bottom edge = 1

tri1_uv = [Vec4(0, 0, 0, d2 / d1), Vec4(d2 / d1, 0, 0, d2 / d1), Vec4(1, 1, 0, 1)]
tri2_uv = [Vec4(0, 0, 0, d2 / d1), Vec4(1, 1, 0, 1), Vec4(0, 1, 0, 1)]

only right triangles are rendered using this glsl shader (on left is fixed pipeline):

void main()
    gl_FragColor = texture2D(colormap, vec2(gl_TexCoord[0].x / glTexCoord[0].w, gl_TexCoord[0].y);

so.. only U is perspective and V is linear.

Fajardo answered 17/9, 2012 at 16:37 Comment(1)
That's exactly what I showed you, except it doesn't account for as many cases. There's no use in having six vertices.Mcphail

This works well as long as you have a trapezoid, and its parallel edges are aligned with one of the local axes. I recommend playing around with my Unity package.


varying vec2 shiftedPosition, width_height;

#ifdef VERTEX
void main() {
    gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;
    shiftedPosition = gl_MultiTexCoord0.xy; // left and bottom edges zeroed.
    width_height = gl_MultiTexCoord1.xy;

uniform sampler2D _MainTex;
void main() {
    gl_FragColor = texture2D(_MainTex, shiftedPosition / width_height);


// Zero out the left and bottom edges, 
// leaving a right trapezoid with two sides on the axes and a vertex at the origin.
var shiftedPositions = new Vector2[] {,
    new Vector2(0, vertices[1].y - vertices[0].y),
    new Vector2(vertices[2].x - vertices[1].x, vertices[2].y - vertices[3].y),
    new Vector2(vertices[3].x - vertices[0].x, 0)
mesh.uv = shiftedPositions;

var widths_heights = new Vector2[4];
widths_heights[0].x = widths_heights[3].x = shiftedPositions[3].x;
widths_heights[1].x = widths_heights[2].x = shiftedPositions[2].x;
widths_heights[0].y = widths_heights[1].y = shiftedPositions[1].y;
widths_heights[2].y = widths_heights[3].y = shiftedPositions[2].y;
mesh.uv2 = widths_heights;
Mcphail answered 15/9, 2012 at 17:4 Comment(4)
can you write out what vertices contains? I tried vertices = [Vec2(-1, -1), Vec2(-0.5, 1), Vec2(0.5, 1), Vec2(1, -1)] shiftedPositions = [Vec2(0, 0), Vec2(0, 2), Vec2(1, 2), Vec2(2, 0)] and width_heights = [Vec2(2, 2), Vec2(1, 2), Vec2(1, 2), Vec2(2, 2)]. And my fragment looks like: gl_FragColor = texture2D(colormap, gl_TexCoord[0].xy / width_heights.xy); (I have to use gl_TexCoord). And it's simply doesn't work.Fajardo
Your vec2s are all fine. I don't think I can provide you with anything more helpful than a Unity project; that's all I really know right now. Let me know if you need help using it, or if you can think of some other way for me to help you. I definitely get the results you're after. The key is to move the width/height calculations from per-vertex to per-"scan line". The best we can do is per-pixel, which is overkill, but that's what a GPU offers.Mcphail
Trying to get this to work with processing 2.0, not much luck yet. is there anything special about these shaders?Lotte
I don't know anything about processing 2.0. I recommend translating from the Unity package.Mcphail

I recently managed to come up with a generic solution to this problem for any type of quadrilateral. The calculations and GLSL maybe of help. There's a working demo in java (that runs on Android), but is compact and readable and should be easily portable to unity or iOS:

Wayne answered 8/8, 2014 at 8:41 Comment(2)
good, but it's not what i was looking for. Please read carefully first question. 3rd quad mapping is NOT what i wanted.Fajardo
yes, my bad, didn't cotton on to you needing it without perspective correctionWayne

In case anyone's still interested, here's a C# implementation that takes a quad defined by the clockwise screen verts (x0,y0) (x1,y1) ... (x3,y3), an arbitrary pixel at (x,y) and calculates the u and v of that pixel. It was originally written to CPU-render an arbitrary quad to a texture, but it's easy enough to split the algorithm across CPU, Vertex and Pixel shaders; I've commented accordingly in the code.

            float Ax, Bx, Cx, Dx, Ay, By, Cy, Dy, A, B, C;

            //These are all uniforms for a given quad. Calculate on CPU.
            Ax = (x3 - x0) - (x2 - x1);
            Bx = (x0 - x1);
            Cx = (x2 - x1);
            Dx = x1;

            Ay = (y3 - y0) - (y2 - y1);
            By = (y0 - y1);
            Cy = (y2 - y1);
            Dy = y1;

            float ByCx_plus_AyDx_minus_BxCy_minus_AxDy = (By * Cx) + (Ay * Dx) - (Bx * Cy) - (Ax * Dy);
            float ByDx_minus_BxDy = (By * Dx) - (Bx * Dy);

            A = (Ay*Cx)-(Ax*Cy);

            //These must be calculated per-vertex, and passed through as interpolated values to the pixel-shader 
            B = (Ax * y) + ByCx_plus_AyDx_minus_BxCy_minus_AxDy - (Ay * x);
            C = (Bx * y) + ByDx_minus_BxDy - (By * x);

            //These must be calculated per-pixel using the interpolated B, C and x from the vertex shader along with some of the other uniforms.
            u = ((-B) - Mathf.Sqrt((B*B-(4.0f*A*C))))/(A*2.0f);
            v = (x - (u * Cx) - Dx)/((u*Ax)+Bx);

Sample output of the algorithm CPU-rendered to a texture

Illuminati answered 19/9, 2018 at 16:0 Comment(1)
Yes. This gives you true affine mapping onto a quad, without the 'fold' you get from affine-mapping two triangles.Illuminati

Tessellation solves this problem. Subdividing quad vertex adds hints to interpolate pixels.

Check out this link.

Hypochondrium answered 19/3, 2016 at 13:38 Comment(0)

I had similar question ( ) , and at gamedev they suggested using imaginary Z coord, which I calculate using the following C code, which appears to be working in general case (not just trapezoids):

//usual euclidean distance
float distance(int ax, int ay, int bx, int by) {
  int x = ax-bx;
  int y = ay-by;
  return sqrtf((float)(x*x + y*y));

void gfx_quad(gfx_t *dst //destination texture, we are rendering into
             ,gfx_t *src //source texture
             ,int *quad  // quadrilateral vertices
  int *v = quad; //quad vertices
  float z = 20.0;
  float top = distance(v[0],v[1],v[2],v[3]); //top
  float bot = distance(v[4],v[5],v[6],v[7]); //bottom
  float lft = distance(v[0],v[1],v[4],v[5]); //left
  float rgt = distance(v[2],v[3],v[6],v[7]); //right

  // By default all vertices lie on the screen plane
  float az = 1.0;
  float bz = 1.0;
  float cz = 1.0;
  float dz = 1.0;

  // Move Z from screen, if based on distance ratios.
  if (top<bot) {
    az *= top/bot;
    bz *= top/bot;
  } else {
    cz *= bot/top;
    dz *= bot/top;

  if (lft<rgt) {
    az *= lft/rgt;
    cz *= lft/rgt;
  } else {
    bz *= rgt/lft;
    dz *= rgt/lft;

  // draw our quad as two textured triangles
  gfx_textured(dst, src
              , v[0],v[1],az, v[2],v[3],bz, v[4],v[5],cz
              , 0.0,0.0,      1.0,0.0,      0.0,1.0);
  gfx_textured(dst, src
              , v[2],v[3],bz, v[4],v[5],cz, v[6],v[7],dz
              , 1.0,0.0,      0.0,1.0,      1.0,1.0);

I'm doing it in software to scale and rotate 2d sprites, and for OpenGL 3d app you will need to do it in pixel/fragment shader, unless you will be able to map these imaginary az,bz,cz,dz into your actual 3d space and use the usual pipeline. DMGregory gave exact code for OpenGL shaders:

Aurita answered 23/8, 2019 at 10:29 Comment(0)

I came up with this issue as I was trying to implement a homography warping in OpenGL. Some of the solutions that I found relied on a notion of depth, but this was not feasible in my case since I am working on 2D coordinates. I based my solution on this article, and it seems to work for all cases that I could try. I am leaving it here in case it is useful for someone else as I could not find something similar. The solution makes the following assumptions:

  • The vertex coordinates are the 4 points of a quad in Lower Right, Upper Right, Upper Left, Lower Left order.
  • The coordinates are given in OpenGL's reference system (range [-1, 1], with origin at bottom left corner).
std::vector<cv::Point2f> points;
// Convert points to homogeneous coordinates to simplify the problem.
Eigen::Vector3f p0(points[0].x, points[0].y, 1);
Eigen::Vector3f p1(points[1].x, points[1].y, 1);
Eigen::Vector3f p2(points[2].x, points[2].y, 1);
Eigen::Vector3f p3(points[3].x, points[3].y, 1);

// Compute the intersection point between the lines described by opposite vertices using cross products. Normalization is only required at the end.
// See for a quick summary of this approach.
auto line1 = p2.cross(p0);
auto line2 = p3.cross(p1);
auto intersection = line1.cross(line2);
intersection = intersection / intersection(2);

// Compute distance to each point.
for (const auto &pt : points) {
  auto distance = std::sqrt(std::pow(pt.x - intersection(0), 2) +
                            std::pow(pt.y - intersection(1), 2));

// Assumes same order as above.
std::vector<cv::Point2f> texture_coords_unnormalized = {
  {1.0f, 1.0f},
  {1.0f, 0.0f},
  {0.0f, 0.0f},
  {0.0f, 1.0f}

std::vector<float> texture_coords;
for (int i = 0; i < texture_coords_unnormalized.size(); ++i) {
  float u_i = texture_coords_unnormalized[i].x;
  float v_i = texture_coords_unnormalized[i].y;
  float d_i =;
  float d_i_2 = + 2) % 4);
  float scale = (d_i + d_i_2) / d_i_2;


Pass the texture coordinates to your shader (use vec3). Then:

gl_FragColor = vec4(texture2D(textureSampler, textureCoords.xy/textureCoords.z).rgb, 1.0);
Transude answered 3/12, 2022 at 10:6 Comment(0)

thanks for answers, but after experimenting i found a solution.

two triangles on the left has uv (strq) according this and two triangles on the right are modifed version of this perspective correction.

Numbers and shader:

tri1 = [Vec2(-0.5, -1), Vec2(0.5, -1), Vec2(1, 1)]
tri2 = [Vec2(-0.5, -1), Vec2(1, 1), Vec2(-1, 1)]

d1 = length of top edge = 2
d2 = length of bottom edge = 1

tri1_uv = [Vec4(0, 0, 0, d2 / d1), Vec4(d2 / d1, 0, 0, d2 / d1), Vec4(1, 1, 0, 1)]
tri2_uv = [Vec4(0, 0, 0, d2 / d1), Vec4(1, 1, 0, 1), Vec4(0, 1, 0, 1)]

only right triangles are rendered using this glsl shader (on left is fixed pipeline):

void main()
    gl_FragColor = texture2D(colormap, vec2(gl_TexCoord[0].x / glTexCoord[0].w, gl_TexCoord[0].y);

so.. only U is perspective and V is linear.

Fajardo answered 17/9, 2012 at 16:37 Comment(1)
That's exactly what I showed you, except it doesn't account for as many cases. There's no use in having six vertices.Mcphail

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