I am trying to use the following code to get the MBR from PhysicalDrive0
private static byte[] ReadMbr(string lpFileName)
byte[] mbr = new byte[512];
using (SafeFileHandle drive = CreateFile(
lpFileName: lpFileName,
dwDesiredAccess: (uint) EFileAccess.GenericRead, //DO NOT MODIFY THE MBR!!!
dwShareMode: (uint)EFileShare.Write | (uint)EFileShare.Read | (uint)EFileShare.Delete,
SecurityAttributes: IntPtr.Zero,
dwCreationDisposition: (uint) ECreationDisposition.OpenAlways,
dwFlagsAndAttributes: (uint)EFileAttributes.System,
hTemplateFile: IntPtr.Zero))
if (drive.IsInvalid)
throw new IOException("Unable to access drive. Win32 Error Code " + Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
//Get the 1st 512 bytes of the volume (MBR)
using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(drive, FileAccess.Read))
stream.Read(mbr, 0, 512);
return mbr;
I have tried passing
and none of them work. I am running it as administrator. I can also get \\.\C:
to work and display the VBR without any issues.
For the record:
-I am running Windows Server 2008 R2.