Get each file size inside a Folder using SQL
Asked Answered



We are keeping images in Folder which can have images & sub folder & these sub folders can also have images & sub folders for example

c:\myImageFolder\image1.png    //'myImageFolder' have image
c:\myImageFolder\Folder1\imagex.png // 'myImageFolder' have another folder inside which is 'Folder1'.
c:\myImageFolder\Folder1\ChildFolder1\imagen.png // 'myImageFolder' have 'Folder1' which have 'ChildFolder1' which have imagen.png

We need to know that how many images are in there over 1 MB, over 750KB and 500KB?

Some facts:

  • We need to do it through SQL
  • We are using SQL Server 2008
  • myImageFolder contains more than thousands sub folders
  • myImageFolder size is nearly 5 GB

Thanks in advance for your valuable time & help. Note: I found the solution, you can find it here

Wivinia answered 31/10, 2011 at 10:26 Comment(6)
Why don't you keep the documents in the database?Orphism
@Orphism Thanks. the image path exists in the data.Wivinia
I understand. Why don't you keep the documents in the database?Orphism
@Orphism Actually file information is not required on regular basis & this may be the first & last time we need to know the file size. Just to update you i found the solution, have you seen it? please find my answer hereWivinia
Very nice, but I don't know if it's good design these days to keep documents on a file system and only their paths in the database.Orphism
Just to update you that why we are doing this: 1- Our DB size is in GBs. 2- Imagefolder size is nearly 5GB & is increasing day by day. 3- The same DB is used by more than one websites. 4- The same DB is used by nearly 50 users at a time inside our office 5- We have a lot of customers & daily thousands of customer visits our sites & can also access data.Wivinia

Check this solution:

ALTER  PROCEDURE   [dbo].[GetListOfFileWithSize]  
    @Dir    VARCHAR(1000)
-- Variable decleration
    declare @curdir nvarchar(400)
    declare @line varchar(400)
    declare @command varchar(400)
    declare @counter int

    SET     @1MB = 1024 * 1024

    SET     @1KB = 1024 

-- Temp tables creation
CREATE TABLE #dirs (DIRID int identity(1,1), directory varchar(400))
CREATE TABLE #tempoutput (line varchar(400))
CREATE TABLE output (Directory varchar(400), FilePath VARCHAR(400), SizeInMB DECIMAL(13,2), SizeInKB DECIMAL(13,2))

CREATE TABLE #tempFilePaths (Files VARCHAR(500))
CREATE TABLE #tempFileInformation (FilePath VARCHAR(500), FileSize VARCHAR(100))

-- Call xp_cmdshell

     SET @command = 'dir "'+ @Dir +'" /S/O/B/A:D'
     INSERT INTO #dirs exec xp_cmdshell @command
     INSERT INTO #dirs SELECT @Dir
     SET @counter = (select count(*) from #dirs)

-- Process the return data

        WHILE @Counter <> 0
            DECLARE @filesize INT
            SET @curdir = (SELECT directory FROM #dirs WHERE DIRID = @counter)
            SET @command = 'dir "' + @curdir +'"'
                -- Clear the table
                DELETE FROM #tempFilePaths

                INSERT INTO #tempFilePaths
                EXEC MASTER..XP_CMDSHELL @command 

                --delete all directories
                DELETE #tempFilePaths WHERE Files LIKE '%<dir>%'

                --delete all informational messages
                DELETE #tempFilePaths WHERE Files LIKE ' %'

                --delete the null values
                DELETE #tempFilePaths WHERE Files IS NULL

                --get rid of dateinfo
                UPDATE #tempFilePaths SET files =RIGHT(files,(LEN(files)-20))

                --get rid of leading spaces
                UPDATE #tempFilePaths SET files =LTRIM(files)

                --split data into size and filename
                -- Clear the table
                DELETE FROM #tempFileInformation;

                -- Store the FileName & Size
                INSERT INTO #tempFileInformation
                        RIGHT(files,LEN(files) -PATINDEX('% %',files)) AS FilePath,
                        LEFT(files,PATINDEX('% %',files)) AS FileSize
                FROM    #tempFilePaths

                --  Remove the commas
                UPDATE  #tempFileInformation
                SET FileSize = REPLACE(FileSize, ',','')

                --  Remove the white space
                UPDATE  #tempFileInformation
                SET FileSize = REPLACE(FileSize, char(160) , '')

                -- Store the results in the output table

                INSERT INTO output--(FilePath, SizeInMB, SizeInKB)
                        CAST(CAST(FileSize AS DECIMAL(13,2))/ @1MB AS DECIMAL(13,2)),
                        CAST(CAST(FileSize AS DECIMAL(13,2))/ @1KB AS DECIMAL(13,2))
                FROM    #tempFileInformation


            Set @counter = @counter -1

    DELETE FROM OUTPUT WHERE Directory is null       
-- DROP temp tables
DROP TABLE #Tempoutput  
DROP TABLE #dirs  
DROP TABLE #tempFilePaths  
DROP TABLE #tempFileInformation  
--DROP TABLE #tempfinal  

DROP TABLE output 

And guys it works!!!

Wivinia answered 31/10, 2011 at 18:35 Comment(7)
I'm not sure anything using xp_cmdshell can be called "perfect"Concepcion
I'm not sure anything using WHILE-loops can be called "perfect"Widower
Did not work for me. Got an conversion error on line 94 ( CAST(CAST(FileSize AS DECIMAL(13,2))/ @1MB AS DECIMAL(13,2)), ). Seems the DIR on my server is different.Shoffner
Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Procedure GetListOfFileWithSize, Line 97 Error converting data type varchar to numeric.Feltonfelts
@yaqub Ahmad, there errors in the script, it creates a physical table output, change it to # one also , this table is not declare #tempFileInfo I think it should be changed to #tempFileInformationHammett
@Bijujose Its already declared, see this line of code "CREATE TABLE #tempFileInformation"|Wivinia
@YaqubAhmad, check the line no:85 and 90. if you copy paste the script to SSMS. This is not declared I believe this should be #tempfileinformationHammett

If security isn't a huge issue and you can enable xp_cmdshell on your sql instance, you can use the command shell directory listings to get the info. For example

Declare @Dir VARCHAR(256)
SET @Dir = 'C:\myImageFolder\'
SET @CMD = 'DIR "'+@DIR+'" /A /S'

    (returnval NVARCHAR(500), rownum INT IDENTITY(1,1))

-- Populate Temp Table with the contents of the outfiles directory
    INSERT #tmp EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @cmd

-- Delete rows with no file information
    DELETE FROM #tmp WHERE returnval IS NULL
    DELETE FROM #tmp WHERE ISNUMERIC(LEFT(returnval,1))=0 AND returnval NOT LIKE '%Directory of%'
    DELETE FROM #tmp WHERE returnval LIKE '%<DIR>          .%'

-- Separate the output into its proper columns
        (SELECT TOP 1 REPLACE(returnVal, ' Directory of ','') FROM #tmp t2 WHERE t2.rownum < t.rownum AND t2.returnval LIKE ' Directory of%' ORDER BY t2.rownum DESC) Directory,
        CAST(LEFT(returnval,10) AS DATETIME) AS file_date,
        CASE WHEN SUBSTRING(returnval,22,17) LIKE '%<DIR>%' THEN NULL ELSE CAST(REPLACE(SUBSTRING(returnval,22,17),',','') AS NUMERIC) END AS 'size(bytes)',
        RIGHT(RTRIM([returnval]),LEN(RTRIM([returnval]))-39) AS [file_name],
        CASE WHEN SUBSTRING(returnval,22,17) LIKE '%<DIR>%' THEN 'Directory' ELSE 'File' END AS [Type],
        CASE WHEN SUBSTRING(returnval,22,17) LIKE '%<DIR>%' THEN NULL ELSE RIGHT(rtrim([returnval]), CHARINDEX('.',REVERSE(RTRIM([returnval])))) END AS extension
    FROM #tmp t
    WHERE returnval NOT LIKE '%Directory of%'
Deplume answered 31/10, 2011 at 15:50 Comment(3)
Thanks. The 'size(bytes)' always returns NULL. Have you noticed it?Wivinia
Should only return null for directoriesDeplume
This solution is locale dependent, I had to modify the select like this: SELECT convert(datetime, LEFT(returnval,17),104) AS file_date, CAST( LTRIM(RTRIM(REPLACE(SUBSTRING(returnval,20,17),' ',''))) AS bigint) AS size, SUBSTRING(returnval,37, 50) AS [file_name]Feltonfelts

I think you may be able to use sp_OAGetProperty. Something along the lines of ...


-- Create an instance of the file system object
EXEC @OLEResult = sp_OACreate 'Scripting.FileSystemObject', @FS OUT
EXEC @OLEResult = sp_OAMethod @FS, 'GetFile', @FileID OUT, 'C:\Filename'
EXEC @OLEResult = sp_OAGetProperty @FileID, 'Size', @Size OUT

--@Size now holds file size

You may need to use sp_configure to change the configuration option for 'Ole Automation Procedures'

Check out this link

Equal answered 31/10, 2011 at 10:31 Comment(2)
THANKS @EI Ronnoco I was trying this but i am afraid that it may not be the solution i am looking for because the folder contains thousands of image files.Wivinia
This procedures works fine but only for limited files... Any idea how to solve this issue? It just returns null after like 100 files.Ahasuerus

You can create a c# function and add it to your SQL Server 2008 database and call the function from inside of SQL. Either a CLR Stored Procedure, or a CLR function would work fine for your scenario.

Creating CLR Stored Procedures - MSDN

Or, what you could also do (which makes more sense to me, but would take more work)... how does your program upload files? - Tap into that routine and also create an entry in the database that indicates its size and location.

Underhung answered 31/10, 2011 at 10:30 Comment(1)
Thanks. To store the image size & location in the database is a great idea, we will try to implemented it in future.Wivinia

Here is a solution using xp_cmdshell to run powershell that returns xml which can be parsed because why not.

set nocount on;

declare @path varchar(1000), @cmd varchar(2000);

-- File path
set @path = 'c:\temp';
-- Powershell command to get a directory listing and output in to its clixml for parsing
set @cmd = 'powershell.exe -noprofile -outputformat xml -command "get-childitem -path ''' + @path + ''' -File"';

-- output table for xp_cmdshell
create table #cmdOutput ( [output] varchar(max));

-- run powershell command and collect output
insert into #cmdOutput ( output ) exec sys.xp_cmdshell @cmd;

-- remove some values for paring xml, agg to a single string, cast as xml
with cte as ( select cast(string_agg(
                          iif(a.output like '%xmlns%', replace(a.output, 'xmlns=""', ''), a.output), ''
                          ) as xml) myDoc from #cmdOutput a where a.output <> '#< CLIXML'
-- select data out of xml 
select b.fileObj.value('(./Props/S)[1]', 'varchar(1000)') [Name]
  , b.fileObj.value('(./Props/I64)[1]', 'bigint') [Length]
  , b.fileObj.value('(./Props/S)[2]', 'varchar(1000)') DirectoryName
  , b.fileObj.value('(./Props/B)[1]', 'bit') IsReadOnly
  , b.fileObj.value('(./Props/B)[2]', 'bit') [Exists]
  , b.fileObj.value('(./Props/S)[3]', 'varchar(1000)') FullName
  , b.fileObj.value('(./Props/S)[4]', 'varchar(1000)') Extension
  , b.fileObj.value('(./Props/DT)[1]', 'datetime2') CreationTime
  , b.fileObj.value('(./Props/DT)[3]', 'datetime2') LastAccessTime
  , b.fileObj.value('(./Props/DT)[5]', 'datetime2') LastWriteTime
from cte a
cross apply a.myDoc.nodes('/Objs/Obj') as b(fileObj)
where b.fileObj.value('(./Props/S)[1]', 'varchar(1000)') is not null

-- clean it up
drop table #cmdOutput;
Mirthless answered 7/5, 2020 at 16:47 Comment(0)

Check this solution:

ALTER  PROCEDURE   [dbo].[GetListOfFileWithSize]  
    @Dir    VARCHAR(1000)
-- Variable decleration
    declare @curdir nvarchar(400)
    declare @line varchar(400)
    declare @command varchar(400)
    declare @counter int

    SET     @1MB = 1024 * 1024

    SET     @1KB = 1024 

-- Temp tables creation
CREATE TABLE #dirs (DIRID int identity(1,1), directory varchar(400))
CREATE TABLE #tempoutput (line varchar(400))
CREATE TABLE output (Directory varchar(400), FilePath VARCHAR(400), SizeInMB DECIMAL(13,2), SizeInKB DECIMAL(13,2))

CREATE TABLE #tempFilePaths (Files VARCHAR(500))
CREATE TABLE #tempFileInformation (FilePath VARCHAR(500), FileSize VARCHAR(100))

-- Call xp_cmdshell

     SET @command = 'dir "'+ @Dir +'" /S/O/B/A:D'
     INSERT INTO #dirs exec xp_cmdshell @command
     INSERT INTO #dirs SELECT @Dir
     SET @counter = (select count(*) from #dirs)

-- Process the return data

        WHILE @Counter <> 0
            DECLARE @filesize INT
            SET @curdir = (SELECT directory FROM #dirs WHERE DIRID = @counter)
            SET @command = 'dir "' + @curdir +'"'
                -- Clear the table
                DELETE FROM #tempFilePaths

                INSERT INTO #tempFilePaths
                EXEC MASTER..XP_CMDSHELL @command 

                --delete all directories
                DELETE #tempFilePaths WHERE Files LIKE '%<dir>%'

                --delete all informational messages
                DELETE #tempFilePaths WHERE Files LIKE ' %'

                --delete the null values
                DELETE #tempFilePaths WHERE Files IS NULL

                --get rid of dateinfo
                UPDATE #tempFilePaths SET files =RIGHT(files,(LEN(files)-20))

                --get rid of leading spaces
                UPDATE #tempFilePaths SET files =LTRIM(files)

                --split data into size and filename
                -- Clear the table
                DELETE FROM #tempFileInformation;

                -- Store the FileName & Size
                INSERT INTO #tempFileInformation
                        RIGHT(files,LEN(files) -PATINDEX('% %',files)) AS FilePath,
                        LEFT(files,PATINDEX('% %',files)) AS FileSize
                FROM    #tempFilePaths

                --  Remove the commas
                UPDATE  #tempFileInformation
                SET FileSize = REPLACE(FileSize, ',','')

                --  Remove the white space
                UPDATE  #tempFileInformation
                SET FileSize = REPLACE(FileSize, char(160) , '')

                -- Store the results in the output table

                INSERT INTO output--(FilePath, SizeInMB, SizeInKB)
                        CAST(CAST(FileSize AS DECIMAL(13,2))/ @1MB AS DECIMAL(13,2)),
                        CAST(CAST(FileSize AS DECIMAL(13,2))/ @1KB AS DECIMAL(13,2))
                FROM    #tempFileInformation


            Set @counter = @counter -1

    DELETE FROM OUTPUT WHERE Directory is null       
-- DROP temp tables
DROP TABLE #Tempoutput  
DROP TABLE #dirs  
DROP TABLE #tempFilePaths  
DROP TABLE #tempFileInformation  
--DROP TABLE #tempfinal  

DROP TABLE output 

And guys it works!!!

Wivinia answered 31/10, 2011 at 18:35 Comment(7)
I'm not sure anything using xp_cmdshell can be called "perfect"Concepcion
I'm not sure anything using WHILE-loops can be called "perfect"Widower
Did not work for me. Got an conversion error on line 94 ( CAST(CAST(FileSize AS DECIMAL(13,2))/ @1MB AS DECIMAL(13,2)), ). Seems the DIR on my server is different.Shoffner
Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Procedure GetListOfFileWithSize, Line 97 Error converting data type varchar to numeric.Feltonfelts
@yaqub Ahmad, there errors in the script, it creates a physical table output, change it to # one also , this table is not declare #tempFileInfo I think it should be changed to #tempFileInformationHammett
@Bijujose Its already declared, see this line of code "CREATE TABLE #tempFileInformation"|Wivinia
@YaqubAhmad, check the line no:85 and 90. if you copy paste the script to SSMS. This is not declared I believe this should be #tempfileinformationHammett

Version 2.0 of perfect solution!!

-- =============================================
-- Author:      Carlos Dominguez ([email protected])
-- Create date: July 07th 2017
-- Description: Scan folders and files Size
-- Example: EXEC [dbo].[spScanFolder] 'C:\Users\Public'
-- =============================================
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spScanFolder] 
    @FolderToScan VARCHAR(1000)
    -- Variable declaration
    DECLARE @CurrentDir VARCHAR(400)
    DECLARE @Line VARCHAR(400)
    DECLARE @Command VARCHAR(400)
    DECLARE @Counter int

    SET @1MB = 1024 * 1024

    SET @1KB = 1024 

    -- DROP temp tables
    IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#tableTempDirs') IS NOT NULL BEGIN  DROP TABLE #tableTempDirs END
    IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#tableTempOutput') IS NOT NULL BEGIN  DROP TABLE #tableTempOutput END
    IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#tableTempResult') IS NOT NULL BEGIN  DROP TABLE #tableTempResult END
    IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#tableTempFilePaths') IS NOT NULL BEGIN  DROP TABLE #tableTempFilePaths END
    IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#tableTempFileInfo') IS NOT NULL BEGIN  DROP TABLE #tableTempFileInfo END

    -- Temp tables creation
    CREATE TABLE #tableTempDirs (DIRID int identity(1,1), directory varchar(400))
    CREATE TABLE #tableTempOutput (line varchar(400))
    CREATE TABLE #tableTempResult (Directory varchar(400), FilePath VARCHAR(400), SizeInMB DECIMAL(13,2), SizeInKB DECIMAL(13,2))
    CREATE TABLE #tableTempFilePaths (Files VARCHAR(500))
    CREATE TABLE #tableTempFileInfo (FilePath VARCHAR(500), FileSize VARCHAR(100))

    -- Call xp_cmdshell
    SET @Command = 'dir "'+ @FolderToScan +'" /S/O/B/A:D'
    INSERT INTO #tableTempDirs EXEC xp_cmdshell @Command
    INSERT INTO #tableTempDirs SELECT @FolderToScan
    DELETE FROM #tableTempDirs WHERE Directory is null   

    -- Remove text to extract file information from command result "05/27/2017  12:26 PM 5,208 rulog.txt"
    SET @Counter = (select count(*) from #tableTempDirs)
    WHILE @Counter <> 0
        DECLARE @filesize INT
        SET @CurrentDir = (SELECT directory FROM #tableTempDirs WHERE DIRID = @Counter)
        SET @Command = 'dir "' + @CurrentDir +'"'

        -- Clear the table
        TRUNCATE TABLE #tableTempFilePaths

        -- Get files from current directory
        INSERT INTO #tableTempFilePaths
        EXEC MASTER..XP_CMDSHELL @Command 

        --delete all directories
        DELETE #tableTempFilePaths WHERE Files LIKE '%<dir>%'

        --delete all informational messages
        DELETE #tableTempFilePaths WHERE Files LIKE ' %'

        --delete the null values
        DELETE #tableTempFilePaths WHERE Files IS NULL

        --delete files without date "05/27/2017  12:26 PM 5,208 rulog.txt"
        --Fix error: Invalid length parameter passed to the right function.
        DELETE #tableTempFilePaths WHERE LEN(files) < 20

        --get rid of dateinfo
        UPDATE #tableTempFilePaths SET files = RIGHT(files,(LEN(files)-20))

        --get rid of leading spaces
        UPDATE #tableTempFilePaths SET files =LTRIM(files)

        --split data into size and filename and clear the table
        TRUNCATE TABLE #tableTempFileInfo;

        -- Store the FileName & Size
        INSERT INTO #tableTempFileInfo
            RIGHT(files,LEN(files) -PATINDEX('% %',files)) AS FilePath,
            LEFT(files,PATINDEX('% %',files)) AS FileSize

        --Remove the commas
        UPDATE #tableTempFileInfo
        SET FileSize = REPLACE(FileSize, ',','')

        -- Store the results in the output table
        -- Fix Error: conveting varchar to decimal
        INSERT INTO #tableTempResult--(FilePath, SizeInMB, SizeInKB)
            CASE FileSize
                WHEN 'File ' THEN 0
                ELSE CAST(CAST(FileSize AS DECIMAL(13,2))/ @1MB AS DECIMAL(13,2))
            CASE FileSize
                WHEN 'File ' THEN 0
                ELSE CAST(CAST(FileSize AS DECIMAL(13,2))/ @1KB AS DECIMAL(13,2))

        Set @Counter = @Counter -1

    -- Remove null directories
    DELETE FROM #tableTempResult WHERE Directory is null       

    -- Show result
    SELECT * FROM  #tableTempResult 

    -- DROP temp tables
    IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#tableTempDirs') IS NOT NULL BEGIN  DROP TABLE #tableTempDirs END
    IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#tableTempOutput') IS NOT NULL BEGIN  DROP TABLE #tableTempOutput END
    IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#tableTempResult') IS NOT NULL BEGIN  DROP TABLE #tableTempResult END
    IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#tableTempFilePaths') IS NOT NULL BEGIN  DROP TABLE #tableTempFilePaths END
    IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#tableTempFileInfo') IS NOT NULL BEGIN  DROP TABLE #tableTempFileInfo END
Nealy answered 8/7, 2017 at 1:54 Comment(0)

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