After verifying that the certificate is issued by a known Certificate Authority (CA), the Subject Alternative Names will be checked, or the Common Name will be checked, to verify that the hostname matches. This is in the checkServerIdentity function. If the certificate has Subject Alternative Names and the hostname is not listed, you'll see the error message described:
Hostname/IP doesn't match certificate's altnames
If you have the CA cert that is used to generate the certificate you're using (usually the case when using self-signed certificates), this can be provided with
var r = require('request');
var opts = {
method: "POST",
ca: fs.readFileSync("ca.cer")
r('', opts, function (error, response, body) {
// do something
This will verify that the certificate is issued by the CA provided, but hostname verification will still be performed. Just supplying the CA will be enough if the cert contains the hostname in the Subject Alternative Names. If it doesn't and you also want to skip hostname verification, you can pass a noop function for checkServerIdentity
var r = require('request');
var opts = {
method: "POST",
ca: fs.readFileSync("ca.cer"),
agentOptions: { checkServerIdentity: function() {} }
r('', opts, function (error, response, body) {
// do something