So, after investigation, my initial supposition was partly wrong: calls to the new Powershell cmdlets do wait for successful completion, except for Set-AzureDeployment -newStatus "Running"
This is good, as we no longer need to have calls to Get-OperationStatus
scattered through the script; it's bad, though, as Set-AzureDeployment
leaves the deployment spinning up.
We can call Get-AzureDeployment
, though, and iterate through the RoleInstanceList
to figure out what's going on. Like so:
function Get-StagingReady {
$stagingStatus = Get-AzureDeployment $azureService -slot staging
if (-not $($stagingStatus.Status -eq "Running")) {
Write-Host $(" ... ... Staging slot status is not Running; value is " + $stagingStatus.Running)
return $False
if (-not $stagingStatus.RoleInstanceList) {
Write-Host " ... ... Staging slot has no instances configured yet."
return $False
$notReady = $False
Foreach ($roleInstance in $stagingStatus.RoleInstanceList) {
if (-not $($roleInstance.InstanceStatus -eq "ReadyRole")) {
Write-Host $(" ... ... ... Staging slot instance " + $roleInstance.InstanceName + " has status " + $roleInstance.InstanceStatus)
$notReady = $True
if ($notReady) {
Write-Host " ... ... One or more instances not running."
return $False
Write-Host " ... Staging slot ready for use."
return $True
function Wait-ForStagingToBeReady {
while ( -not $(Get-StagingReady) ) {
Write-Host " ... ... Staging slot not ready, waiting 15 seconds for Azure to spin up instances."
Start-Sleep -s 15
function Start-Staging {
Write-Host " ... Starting staging slot."
$staging = Get-Staging $azureService
$result = Set-AzureDeployment `
-Status `
-serviceName $azureService `
-slot "Staging" `
-newStatus "Running"
if (-not $?) {
Write-Host "Unable to start staging slot."
exit 1
Write-Host " ... Deployment in Staging slot started."
, which is of course the one we'd like to wait! But we have the relevant bits we'll need to sort this. – Keener