I have an ASPX webpage that does some complex operations and database calls. When I view the webpage by running ASP.NET Development Server (Cassini), it takes about 200ms.
Then, without any code changes and configuration changes, I deploy the website to my local machine IIS 7 and view the same web page again. It takes 2.0sec, which is 10 times slower.
I thought IIS should be faster than (or at least as fast as) Cassini.
To investigate further, I created a new page, test1.aspx, which contains nothing but an empty for-loop that runs for 90 million times in the Page_Load. In Cassini, it takes about 200ms. In IIS, it takes 300ms (50% slower).
What could be the reason that makes IIS slower than Cassini? Or, perhaps an even better question, how can I make IIS run at least as fast as Cassini?