I'm getting the above error since yesterday, after trying out Google BigQuery with JasperReports Server. I couldn't find any info on this, since the first 100GB should be free and the BigQuery Access Report is saying:
BigQuery Resource Usage for API Project Data Analysis Jan 31, 2013 – Feb 27, 2013
Data Processed Per Day 0 MB Peak 0.00 MB Average
I haven't reached the free query/user/day limit either:
API Per-User Limit Used Billable Limit Courtesy Limit
BigQuery API 5.0 requests/second/user
0% 200,000 requests/day 10,000 requests/day
Traffic Reports for API Project Total requests 935 Requests/day 856 peak 33.39 average
Start Date Jan 31, 2013
Sample Period 28 days
I'm trying to use the natality sample data in a project for my university and it's pretty urgent. It was working fine for a day or so. The queries are made by the JasperSoft BigQuery Connector (http://code.google.com/p/jaspersoft-bigquery-datasource/) using an Ad-hoc-View (based on a JasperReport as Topic).
I am using the following statement:
STRING($P!{dimension1}) as dimension_1,
STRING($P!{dimension2}) as dimension_2,
SUM(record_weight) as count_group,
AVG(weight_pounds) as avg_weight_pounds,
AVG(apgar_1min) as apgar_1min,
AVG(apgar_5min) as apgar_5min
FROM publicdata:samples.natality
year >= $P!{year_first}
AND year <= $P!{year_last}
GROUP BY dimension_1, dimension_2
ORDER BY dimension_1, dimension_2
Any help would be highly appreciated! Thanks in advance!