I followed all the steps for using the crouton library with Eclipse, but I still have not been able to use it.
Here are the steps I followed:
- Clone the Crouton library from GitHub.
- Unzipped the file and copied out the library folder.
- Open eclipse and import the library into the workspace (The name changes to 'main').
- Right-click on 'main' and select Add Support Library in the android tools option.
- Open project properties set build target to 4.4.2, and tick 'is library'.
- In the project which I want to use crouton, I add it as a library from the property option.
After all these steps when I try to create a crouton. For example:
Eclipse says Crouton cannot be resolved to a variable. When I to try import it, I can't find it.
These are the same steps followed in all my research, here's what I found, a post from Grokking android and a YouTube video
This is not the first time I am using a library. I have been using the android appcompat library for a while now with out any problems. And the steps i used in setting it up are pretty much the same with is, except that in the appcompat library after all the above steps, I had to copy the jar file and put it in the lib. folder of the project that needs it. I'm I missing anything?
Thank you for your help.