I'm trying to create a query using cypher that will "Find" missing ingredients that a chef might have, My graph is set up like so:
would have a key/value of name="dye colors". (ingredient_value)
could have a key/value of value="red" and "is part of" the (ingredient, name="dye colors")
I'm using this query to get all the ingredients
, but not their actual values, that a recipe requires, but I would like the return only the ingredients
that the chef does not have, instead of all the ingredients each recipe requires. I tried
but this returned nothing.
Is this something that can be accomplished by cypher/neo4j or is this something that is best handled by returning all ingredients and sorted through them myself?
Bonus: Also is there a way to use cypher to match all values that a chef has to all values that a recipe requires. So far I've only returned all partial matches that are returned by a chef-[:has_value]->ingredient_value<-[:requires_value]-recipe
and aggregating the results myself.
clause (also negate it as well), neo4j.com/developer/subqueries/#existential-subqueries for more information. – Riccio