Using historical Lynx Pelt data (, here are two tables of AIC values from R and Stata for ARIMA(p,q) models for 0<=p<=5 and 0<=q<=5. Note that for (p,q) = (0,1), (0,2), (0,3), (1,0), (1,1), (1,2), (2,0), (2,1), (2,2), (2,3), (3,0), (3,1), (3,2), (4,0) and (4,1) the values are identical to seven significant digits. However, the remaining cases are wildly different--just look at (4,2)! The coefficient estimates are also very different when the AICs do not match. Is this a bug in the core ARIMA function, or what is going on?
AIC calculations from R for ARIMA(p,q)
q0 q1 q2 q3 q4
p0 145.25613 100.20123 87.45927 77.57073 85.86376
p1 101.54847 84.91691 82.11806 77.15318 74.26392
p2 63.41165 49.42414 44.14899 40.96787 44.33848
p3 52.26069 49.19660 52.00560 43.50156 45.17175
p4 46.19617 48.19530 49.50422 42.43198 45.71375
R parameter estimates:
p 0 1 2 3 4
0 100.2012 87.45929 77.57074 83.86378
1 101.5485 84.91692 82.11809 86.44413 74.26394
2 63.41167 49.42417 44.14902 40.96633 40.76029
3 52.26072 49.19663 52.00562 40.37268 42.20399
4 46.19619 48.19532 40.39699 43.12795 na
Stata parameter estimates:
Below is the code for creating the AIC table in R. Note that I force the used of Maximum Likelihood, no transformation of parameters, and increased the maximum iterations.
pelts <- read.csv("Lynxpelt.csv")
pelts$log <- log(pelts$W7)
models <- array(list(),5)
aic <- data.frame(q0=rep(NA,5), q1=rep(NA,5), q2=rep(NA,5), q3=rep(NA,5), q4=rep(NA,5), row.names=c("p0", "p1", "p2", "p3", "p4"))
makeModel <- function(p,q) {
arima(pelts$log, order=c(p,0,q),, method="ML", optim.control=list(maxit=1000))
for (p in 0:4) {
for (q in 0:4) {
model <- makeModel(p,q)
models[[p+1]][[q+1]] <- model
aic[p+1,q+1] <- model$aic
print(cat("p=",p,", q=",q))
And here's the code for Stata:
insheet using Lynxpelt.csv
save Lynxpelt, replace
tsset year
tsline w7
gen logw7=log(w7)
label var logw7 "logarithm of w7"
mat A=J(5,5,0) /*This matrix is a 5*5 matrix with 0s*/
mat list A /*show the matrix A*/
forvalues i=0/4 {
forvalues j=0/4 {
set more off
quietly arima logw7, arima(`i',0,`j')
estat ic
matrix list r(S)
matrix s=r(S)
scalar alpha=s[1,5]
mat A[`i'+1,`j'+1]=alpha
* ARMA(4,4) cannot be done since stata cannot choose an initial value - we give one manually *
* I will use the estimates from ARMA(3,4) *
* Let's run ARMA(3,4) again *
quietly arima logw7, ar(1/3) ma(1/4)
matrix list e(b)
mat B=e(b)
*Now, let's run ARMA(4,4) with initial values from ARMA(3,4) *
quietly arima logw7, ar(1/4) ma(1/4) from(B)
estat ic
matrix s=r(S)
scalar alpha=s[1,5]
mat A[5,5]=alpha
Edit: added links to parameter estimates & added line to R code to fix "models not found" error
Edit 2: Upon iacobus's advice, manually forced Stata to use BFGS as the optimization method. The (4,3) & (3,3) are much improved. Other values still differ wildly. The (3,2) for example used to match and now is very different.
STATA results with technique(bfgs):
c1 c2 c3 c4 c5
r1 145.25614 100.20123 87.45929 77.570744 85.863777
r2 101.54848 84.916921 82.11809 86.444131 74.263937
r3 63.411671 49.424167 44.149023 40.966325 42.760294
r4 52.260723 49.196628 40.442078 43.498413 43.622292
r5 46.196192 48.195322 42.396986 42.289595 0
R results from above for easy comparison:
AIC calculations from R for ARIMA(p,q)
q0 q1 q2 q3 q4
p0 145.25613 100.20123 87.45927 77.57073 85.86376
p1 101.54847 84.91691 82.11806 77.15318 74.26392
p2 63.41165 49.42414 44.14899 40.96787 44.33848
p3 52.26069 49.19660 52.00560 43.50156 45.17175
p4 46.19617 48.19530 49.50422 42.43198 45.71375
Error in models[[p + 1]][[q + 1]] <- model (from #4) : object 'models' not found
when trying to replicate. – Sucrose