In order to compile MPI code in gfortran I have to use the syntax
include mpif.h
in my code instead of
use mpi
Several websites indicate that this syntax is for Fortran 77 however, I am using gfortran gcc version 4.7.2 (Debian 4.7.2-5) and mpfi90 for MPICH2 version 1.4.1p1.
The command line
mpif90 test1.f90 -o test1.exe
produces the following error
test1.f90:4.8: use mpi 1 Fatal Error: Parse error when checking module version for file 'mpi.mod' opened at (1)
test1.f90 (from Coursera course on HPC)
program test1
use mpi !(fails to compile)
implicit none
include 'mpif.h' !(this works)
integer :: ierr, numprocs, proc_num
call mpi_init(ierr)
call mpi_comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, numprocs, ierr)
call mpi_comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, proc_num, ierr)
print *, 'Hello from Process number', proc_num, &
' of ', numprocs, ' processes'
call mpi_finalize(ierr)
end program test1