I've been using Moq for a while, and for brevity I more often than not express setups using the fluent syntax of Mock.Of
var foo = Mock.Of<IFoo>(f => f.Method(It.IsAny<string>()) == 7 && f.Property == "Hi");
var sut = new Whatever(foo);
Recently, I've started playing around with AutoFixture and can't seem to find any equivalent syntax for expressing multiple setups at once. I understand that I can express the same thing using Freeze
var foo = fixture.Freeze<Mock<IFoo>>();
foo.Setup(f => f.Method(It.IsAny<string>()).Returns(7);
foo.Setup(f => f.Property).Returns("Hi");
var sut = fixture.Create<Whatever>();
...but if at all possible, I'd like to get the benefits of automocking, and keep the brevity of the fluent Moq setups. Stylistic arguments aside, does AutoFixture expose any way for me to express those setups fluently? If not, is there any optimization I can use to make the AutoFixture setups more terse?