I have a xml string like this
str1 = """<sitemapindex xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">
</sitemapindex> """
I want to extract all the urls present inside <loc>
i.e http://www.example.org/sitemap_1.xml.gz
I tried this code but it didn't word
from lxml import etree
root = etree.fromstring(str1)
urls = root.xpath("//loc/text()")
print urls
I tried to check if my root node is formed correctly. I tried this and get back the same string as str1
'<sitemapindex xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">\n<sitemap>\n<loc>http://www.example.org/sitemap_1.xml.gz</loc>\n<lastmod>2015-07-01</lastmod>\n</sitemap>\n</sitemapindex>'