I'm looking for a Sublime Text plugin or any kind of program that can sort alphabetically but respect the indentation.
For example,
beatsByUserPath: (userId) ->
sendMassMessagePath: ->
sendMessagePath: (userId) ->
feedbackCreatePath: ->
Would be sorted by the function names. Using the default sort in Sublime Text leads to:
beatsByUserPath: (userId) ->
feedbackCreatePath: ->
sendMassMessagePath: ->
sendMessagePath: (userId) ->
Here is the full file that I would like to sort.
RouteHelper =
soundcloudConvertPath: (url) ->
url = encodeURIComponent(url)
youtubeConvertPath: (url) ->
url = encodeURIComponent(url)
imageProxy: (url) ->
url = encodeURIComponent(url)
beatsReportPath: (param) ->
beatId = param
beatId = param.id if typeof param is 'object' && param.id
beatsTrackDownloadPath: (param) ->
beatId = param
beatId = param.id if typeof param is 'object' && param.id
beatSetDownloadPath: (param) ->
beatId = param
beatId = param.id if typeof param is 'object' && param.id
beatsToggleVisibilityPath: (param) ->
beatId = param
beatId = param.id if typeof param is 'object' && param.id
beatsToggleRecordingPath: (param) ->
beatId = param
beatId = param.id if typeof param is 'object' && param.id
beatsDisownPath: (param) ->
beatId = param
beatId = param.id if typeof param is 'object' && param.id
beatsEditNotePath: (param) ->
beatId = param
beatId = param.id if typeof param is 'object' && param.id
beatsByUserPath: (userId) ->
discussPath: ->
sendMassMessagePath: ->
sendMessagePath: (userId) ->
feedbackCreatePath: ->
feedbacksForRapPath: (arg) ->
rapId = if typeof rap is 'object' then arg.id else arg
followersPath: (userId) ->
followingPath: (userId) ->
followPath: (userId) ->
unfollowPath: (userId) ->
propsPath: ->
userBattlesPath_deprecated: (userId) ->
battlesLeaderboardPath: ->
battlesUsersWhoVotedForPath: (opts) ->
throw Error('RouteHelper: Expected ID and WHICH') if !opts.id || !opts.which
rapProppersPath: (rapId) ->
rapUntagPath: (rapId) ->
rapShowPath: (param) ->
if typeof param is 'object'
rapId = param.id
else rapId = param
userPinPath: ->
userBattlesPath: (userId) ->
userBeatsPath: (userId) ->
userRapsPath: (userId) ->
userSetColorsPath: (userId) ->
userShowPath: (userId) ->
usersWhoGaveProps: (userId) ->
userUnreadNotifCount: (userId) ->
userRecordNetegoPath: ->
albumShowPath: (param) ->
param = param.slug if _.isObject(param)
blueprintShowPathFromRap: (rap) ->
battleDestroyPath: (battle) ->
battlesPath: ->
battleNewPath: ->
battleShowPath: (battle) ->
beatNewPath: ->
beatShowPath: (beat) ->
if typeof beat is 'number'
else if typeof beat is 'object'
if beat.slug
beatTagShowPath: (beatTag) ->
beatsSearchQueryPath: ->
beatsRecentSearchesPath: ->
cypherJudgeVotePath: ->
cypherJudgeShowPath: ->
cypherSubmitPath: ->
dashboardPath: ->
defaultRapThumbnailPath: ->
rhymePath: ->
contextPath: ->
searchLyricsPath: ->
editorSavePath: ->
editorPath: (param) ->
param = param.id if typeof param is 'object'
if param
onRapSaveDialogPath: (rapId) ->
lyricSyncSavePath: ->
lyricSyncDestroyPath: ->
notificationsPath: ->
rapEditPath: (rap) ->
rapShowPath: (rap) ->
rapsForCypher: (cypherId) ->
isSubscribedPath: (listId) ->
subscribeToPath: (listId) ->
userShowPath: (username) ->
userNotificationSettingPath: ->
@RouteHelper = RouteHelper