Please try the following steps to use cTAKES CPE from the command line (the key class is "org.apache.uima.examples.cpe.SimpleRunCPE"):
Change directory to $CTAKES_HOME/desc/ctakes-clinical-pipeline/desc/collection_processing_engine/
Copy test_plaintext.xml to another file (e.g., "test_plaintext_test.xml").
Edit "test_plaintext_test.xml" to set input directory; find "nameValuePair" with name = "InputDirectory", and set the value string to the input directory. The following example set the input directory as "$CTAKES_HOME/note_input":
Similarly, edit "test_plaintext_test.xml" to set the output directory ("$CTAKES_HOME/result_output" in the following example):
Save "test_plaintext_test.xml" and change directory to $CTAKES_HOME/bin.
Copy to another file (e.g., "").
Edit ""; replace the last line ("java ...") to the following line ("USER" and "PW" should be replaced by your UMLS Username and Password, and the memory setting Xms and Xms may be adjusted based on the size of memory on your machine):
java -Dctakes.umlsuser=USER -Dctakes.umlspw=PW -cp $CTAKES_HOME/lib/*:$CTAKES_HOME/desc/:$CTAKES_HOME/resources/ -Dlog4j.configuration=file:$CTAKES_HOME/config/log4j.xml -Xms2g -Xmx3g org.apache.uima.examples.cpe.SimpleRunCPE $CTAKES_HOME/desc/ctakes-clinical-pipeline/desc/collection_processing_engine/test_plaintext_test.xml
Save "", and then create the input directory ("$CTAKES_HOME/note_input") and the output directory ("$CTAKES_HOME/result_output").
Put your note.txt to the input directory (e.g., "$CTAKES_HOME/note_input/note.txt"), and then run "".
cTAKES CPE will start running under command line mode, and the resulting file will be generated in the output directory (e.g., "$CTAKES_HOME/result_output/note.txt.xml").
I actually used your note.txt to run the steps above and here are the first several lines of the generated note.txt.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><CAS version="2">
<uima.cas.Sofa _indexed="0" _id="3" sofaNum="1" sofaID="_InitialView" mimeType="text" sofaString="Patient had elevated blood sugar but tests confirm no diabetes. Patient's father had adult onset diabetes. "/>
<org.apache.ctakes.typesystem.type.structured.DocumentID _indexed="1" _id="1" documentID="note.txt"/>
<uima.tcas.DocumentAnnotation _indexed="1" _id="10" _ref_sofa="3" begin="0" end="107" language="x-unspecified"/>
<org.apache.ctakes.typesystem.type.textspan.Segment _indexed="1" _id="15" _ref_sofa="3" begin="0" end="107" id="SIMPLE_SEGMENT"/>
<org.apache.ctakes.typesystem.type.textspan.Sentence _indexed="1" _id="21" _ref_sofa="3" begin="0" end="63" sentenceNumber="0"/>
Hope this helps :-)