@Fyodor's answer explains why your current approach won't work.
One common way of accomplishing this in functional languages is using
(not to be confused with zip
or related functions).
The idea is that the zipper is a representation of the data structure
focused on a particular portion (e.g., a cell in the grid). You can
apply transformations to the zipper to "move" this focus around, and
you can apply different transformations to query or "mutate" the data structure
relative to the focus. Both types of transformations are purely
functional -- they act on an immutable zipper and just
create a new copy.
Here, you can start with a zipper for an infinite list with position
data Zipper a = Zipper [a] a Int [a] deriving (Functor)
-- Zipper ls x n rs represents the doubly-infinite list (reverse ls ++
-- [x] ++ rs) viewed at offset n
instance (Show a) => Show (Zipper a) where
show (Zipper ls x n rs) =
show (reverse (take 3 ls)) ++ " " ++ show (x,n) ++ " " ++ show (take 3 rs)
This Zipper
is intended to be a representation of a doubly infinite
list (i.e., a list that's infinite in both directions). An example
would be:
> Zipper [-10,-20..] 0 0 [10,20..]
[-30,-20,-10] (0,0) [10,20,30]
This is intended to represent the list of all (positive and negative)
integer multiples of ten focused at value 0
, position 0
and it actually uses two Haskell infinite lists, one for each direction.
You can
define functions to move the focus forward or back:
back, forth :: Zipper a -> Zipper a
back (Zipper (l:ls) x n rs) = Zipper ls l (n-1) (x:rs)
forth (Zipper ls x n (r:rs)) = Zipper (x:ls) r (n+1) rs
so that:
> forth $ Zipper [-10,-20..] 0 0 [10,20..]
[-20,-10,0] (10,1) [20,30,40]
> back $ back $ Zipper [-10,-20..] 0 0 [10,20..]
[-50,-40,-30] (-20,-2) [-10,0,10]
Now, a Grid
can be represented as a zipper of rows, with each row a
zipper of values:
newtype Grid a = Grid (Zipper (Zipper a)) deriving (Functor)
instance Show a => Show (Grid a) where
show (Grid (Zipper ls x n rs)) =
unlines $ zipWith (\a b -> a ++ " " ++ b)
(map show [n-3..n+3])
(map show (reverse (take 3 ls) ++ [x] ++ (take 3 rs)))
together with a set of focus-moving functions:
up, down, right, left :: Grid a -> Grid a
up (Grid g) = Grid (back g)
down (Grid g) = Grid (forth g)
left (Grid g) = Grid (fmap back g)
right (Grid g) = Grid (fmap forth g)
You can define a getter and setter for the focused element:
set :: a -> Grid a -> Grid a
set y (Grid (Zipper ls row n rs)) = (Grid (Zipper ls (set' row) n rs))
where set' (Zipper ls' x m rs') = Zipper ls' y m rs'
get :: Grid a -> a
get (Grid (Zipper _ (Zipper _ x _ _) _ _)) = x
and it may be convenient to add a function that moves the focus back
to the origin for display purposes:
recenter :: Grid a -> Grid a
recenter g@(Grid (Zipper _ (Zipper _ _ m _) n _))
| n > 0 = recenter (up g)
| n < 0 = recenter (down g)
| m > 0 = recenter (left g)
| m < 0 = recenter (right g)
| otherwise = g
Finally, with a function that creates an all-False
falseGrid :: Grid Bool
falseGrid =
let falseRow = Zipper falses False 0 falses
falses = repeat False
falseRows = repeat falseRow
in Grid (Zipper falseRows falseRow 0 falseRows)
you can do things like:
> let (&) = flip ($)
> let testGrid = falseGrid & set True & right & set True & recenter
> testGrid
-3 [False,False,False] (False,0) [False,False,False]
-2 [False,False,False] (False,0) [False,False,False]
-1 [False,False,False] (False,0) [False,False,False]
0 [False,False,False] (True,0) [True,False,False]
1 [False,False,False] (False,0) [False,False,False]
2 [False,False,False] (False,0) [False,False,False]
3 [False,False,False] (False,0) [False,False,False]
> testGrid & right & left & get
> testGrid & left & right & get
> testGrid & get
The full example:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
module Grid where
data Zipper a = Zipper [a] a Int [a] deriving (Functor)
-- Zipper ls x n rs represents the doubly-infinite list (reverse ls ++
-- [x] ++ rs) viewed at offset n
instance (Show a) => Show (Zipper a) where
show (Zipper ls x n rs) =
show (reverse (take 3 ls)) ++ " " ++ show (x,n) ++ " " ++ show (take 3 rs)
back, forth :: Zipper a -> Zipper a
back (Zipper (l:ls) x n rs) = Zipper ls l (n-1) (x:rs)
forth (Zipper ls x n (r:rs)) = Zipper (x:ls) r (n+1) rs
newtype Grid a = Grid (Zipper (Zipper a)) deriving (Functor)
instance Show a => Show (Grid a) where
show (Grid (Zipper ls x n rs)) =
unlines $ zipWith (\a b -> a ++ " " ++ b)
(map show [n-3..n+3])
(map show (reverse (take 3 ls) ++ [x] ++ (take 3 rs)))
up, down, right, left :: Grid a -> Grid a
up (Grid g) = Grid (back g)
down (Grid g) = Grid (forth g)
left (Grid g) = Grid (fmap back g)
right (Grid g) = Grid (fmap forth g)
set :: a -> Grid a -> Grid a
set y (Grid (Zipper ls row n rs)) = (Grid (Zipper ls (set' row) n rs))
where set' (Zipper ls' x m rs') = Zipper ls' y m rs'
get :: Grid a -> a
get (Grid (Zipper _ (Zipper _ x _ _) _ _)) = x
recenter :: Grid a -> Grid a
recenter g@(Grid (Zipper _ (Zipper _ _ m _) n _))
| n > 0 = recenter (up g)
| n < 0 = recenter (down g)
| m > 0 = recenter (left g)
| m < 0 = recenter (right g)
| otherwise = g
falseGrid :: Grid Bool
falseGrid =
let falseRow = Zipper falses False 0 falses
falses = repeat False
falseRows = repeat falseRow
in Grid (Zipper falseRows falseRow 0 falseRows)
(&) = flip ($)
testGrid :: Grid Bool
testGrid = falseGrid & set True & right & set True & recenter
main = do
print $ testGrid & get
print $ testGrid & left & get
print $ testGrid & left & right & get
print $ testGrid & right & left & get
set val True
, you're not modifying in place, but creating a copy.makeGrid
constructs a grid where everything isFalse
, includingcenter -> right -> left
. When youset val True
on the center, you're creating a copycenter'
whereval center' == True
, but_right center' == _right center
, and therefore_left $ _right center' == _left $ _right center == False
. – Ghiselin