I have a table in postgres whose primary key is assinged using a sequence (let's call it 'a_seq'). The sequence is for incrementing the value and inserting the current value as primary key of record being inserted.
Code i use for sequence:
CREATE SEQUENCE public.a_seq
MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807
ALTER SEQUENCE public.AssembleTable_RowId_seq OWNER TO postgres;
I am trying to copy a file from a disk and insert the information about copied file to table. There are files with same name in the disk so i'm retrieving the "last_value" from the sequence with this query:
SELECT last_value FROM a_seq;
and rename file "_" then insert it do database so the file name and the primary key (id) of that file is coherent like:
id | fileName
1 | 1_asd.txt
But when i insert the record, the id is always 1 value greater than the "last_value" a get from the query so table looks like this:
id | fileName
2 | 1_asd.txt
And i've tried to execute the select query above multiple times to check if its increment the value but it doesn't.
Any idea how to get the value which will be assinged to the record before the insertion?
NOTE: I use MATLAB and this is the code is use for insertion:
colnames = {'DataType' , ...
'FilePath' , ...
'FileName' , ...
'FileVersion' , ...
'CRC32Q' , ...
'InsertionDateTime', ...
'DataSource' };
data = {FileLine{5} ,... % DataType
tempPath ,... % FilePath
FileLine{1} ,... % FileName
FileLine{2} ,... % FileVersion
FileLine{3} ,... % CRC32Q
FileLine{4} ,... % InsertionDateTime
FileLine{6} ,... % DataSource};
data_table = cell2table(data, 'VariableNames', colnames);
datainsert(conn , 'CopiedFiles' , colnames , data_table);
– HatbandSELECT last_value FROM a_seq;
is being execute before insertion to rename copied file. – Potential