As of the time of this response, AddToCell would be the Bigtable equivalent of Redis' INCR and PFADD (for HLL) as these increment without doing a read first.
For INCR like behavior, when defining the column family set it to intsum (below it is set to never garbage collect but you can set that to whatever you want)
cbt createfamily mytable families=myfamily:never:intsum
then add new values using addtocell
cbt addtocell mytable myrowkey mycolumnfamily:mycolumnqualifier=myvalue@mytimestamp
above syntax is the same as SetCell just swap AddToCell if you're familiar with SetCell.
You can do this using the client libraries as well e.g.
The feature supports intsum (for INCR), inthll (for approximate count distinct), intmin and intmax for min/max.