I am working on a project where very specific scheduling is needed (and why I am not using a library). It works, but I am trying to find a faster solution to the following problem:
We have employees requesting hours every week. They input their total availability for the week (ex: 8-1 M,W,R). They all must work 10 hours per week, and each shift has to be at least 2 continuous hours. (All shifts are continuous, no breaks in between).
For example, employee 1 says availability is: 8-3 M,W,R,F: he can be scheduled for 3 hours on M, 3 hours on W, and 2 on F, or any other combination (such as 4,4,2; 2,2,4 etc.). The problem is trying to find these combinations. Right now I store their availability as a semi-colon separated string (etc: 8,9,10,11,12,1;8,9,10,11,12,1;8,9,10;;8,9 would be hours for each day (5 days)) I separate these during my scheduling into an array, and then this is the hard part for me:
I want to be able to determine combinations of these hours where each combination has at least 2 hours for each day, where all hours are continuous, and 10 total hours are selected. Right now, my solution is very brute force.
I use itertools combinations. I take their availability, and for each day append the letter of that corresponding day to it and put into one array. So the example 8,9,10,11;8,9;;8,9,10,11; becomes [m8,m9,m10,m11,t8,t9,r8,r9,r10,r11]
Then I use the itertools combination to look through all combinations of this array, and have a function that reads through to see if each day has continuous hours, at least 2 hour shifts, and a total of 10 hours (or other number of hours, this can change).
This is a very slow process because is someone has availability 8-5 M-F they can have lots of combinations that do and don't work. (Reason I need to test all is because we have 100+ employees filling similar roles, and if one role is taken, another employee cannot be scheduled at that time)
Example of how I do it now.
# let availability be the string of availability
availability = "8,9,10,11;8,9;;8,9,10,11;"
poss_times = availability.split(";")
# where I put into one array with each day letter in front
sched.extend(["m" + day for day in list(filter(None,poss_times[0].split(",")))])
sched.extend(["t" + day for day in list(filter(None,poss_times[1].split(",")))])
sched.extend(["w" + day for day in list(filter(None,poss_times[2].split(",")))])
sched.extend(["r" + day for day in list(filter(None,poss_times[3].split(",")))])
sched.extend(["f" + day for day in list(filter(None,poss_times[4].split(",")))])
sched.extend(["s" + day for day in list(filter(None,poss_times[5].split(",")))])
sched.extend(["u" + day for day in list(filter(None,poss_times[6].split(",")))])
for poss_combination in itertools.combinations(sched, 10):
# check if the combination fulfills the requirements, and if so continue to see if it is possible to schedule that employee
I am hoping there might be a faster, more elegant solution that can speed up the process. Thank you for any help.