I have a component list made of 3 columns: product, component and quantity of component used:
a <- structure(list(prodName = c("prod1", "prod1", "prod2", "prod3",
"prod3", "int1", "int1", "int2", "int2"), component = c("a",
"int1", "b", "b", "int2", "a", "b", "int1", "d"), qty = c(1L,
2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, 6L, 7L, 8L, 9L)), row.names = c(NA, -9L), class = c("data.table",
prodName component qty
1 prod1 a 1
2 prod1 int1 2
3 prod2 b 3
4 prod3 b 4
5 prod3 int2 5
6 int1 a 6
7 int1 b 7
8 int2 int1 8
9 int2 d 9
Products with names starting with prod
are final products, those with names like int
are intermediate products, and those with letters are raw materials.
I need the full component list of final products with only raw materials as components. That is, I want to convert any int
into raw materials.
- Intermediate products can be composed by raw materials and another intermediate products, hence my reference to "recursive".
- I can't know in advance the level of nesting / recursion of an intermediate product (2 levels in this example, in excess of 6 in actual data).
For this example, my expected result is (I explicitly stated the computation of the resulting number):
prodName |component |qty
prod1 |a |1+2*6 = 13
prod1 |b |0+2*7 = 14
prod2 |b |3
prod3 |b |4+5*8*7 = 284
prod3 |a |0+5*8*6 = 240
prod3 |d |0+5*9 = 45
What I have done:
I solved this by creating a very cumbersome sequence of joins with merge
. While this approach worked for the toy data, it's unlikely I can apply it to the real one.
#load data.table
# split the tables between products and different levels of intermediate
a1 <- a[prodName %like% "prod",]
b1 <- a[prodName %like% "int1",]
c1 <- a[prodName %like% "int2",]
# convert int2 to raw materials
d1 <- merge(c1,
by.x = "component",
by.y = "prodName",
all.x = TRUE)[
component.y := component][
qty.y := 1][,
.(prodName, qty = qty.x*qty.y),
by = .(component = component.y)]
# Since int1 is already exploded into raw materials, rbind both tables:
d1 <- rbind(d1, b1)
# convert all final products into raw materials, except that the raw mats that go directly into the product won't appear:
e1 <- merge(a1,
by.x = "component",
by.y = "prodName",
all.x = TRUE)
# rbind the last calculated raw mats (those coming from intermediate products) with those coming _directly_ into the final product:
result <- rbind(e1[!is.na(qty.y),
.(prodName, qty = qty.x * qty.y),
by = .(component = component.y)],
.(prodName, component, qty = qty.x)])[,
.(qty = sum(qty)),
keyby = .(prodName, component)]
I'm aware I can split the data into tables and perform joins until every intermediate product is expressed as composed by only raw materials, but as mentioned above, that will be a last resort due to the size of data and levels of recursion of intermediate products.
Is there an easier / better way to do this sort of recursive join?
to be different numbers. Maybe1:9
(not sure if they all can be different). – Gensmer