Status is saved in the View [SSISDB].[catalog].[executions] and the table underneath is [SSISDB].[internal].[operations] .
The details of Status can be found here:
status int
The status of the operation. The possible values are
created (1), running (2), canceled (3), failed (4), pending (5), ended
unexpectedly (6), succeeded (7), stopping (8), and completed (9).
If you need a dimension table for Status I think you have to create one yourself , it should be pretty easy from official documents.
Here is full list of the official docs:
This section describes the Transact-SQL views that are available for
administering Integration Services projects that have been deployed to
an instance of SQL Server.
Query the Integration Services views to inspect objects, settings, and
operational data that are stored in the SSISDB catalog.
The default name of the catalog is SSISDB. The objects that are stored
in the catalog include projects, packages, parameters, environments,
and operational history.
You can use the database views and stored procedures directly, or
write custom code that calls the managed API. Management Studio and
the managed API query the views and call the stored procedures that
are described in this section to perform many of their tasks.
In This Section
catalog.catalog_properties (SSISDB Database)
Displays the properties of the Integration Services catalog.
catalog.effective_object_permissions (SSISDB Database)
Displays the effective permissions for the current principal for all objects in the
Integration Services catalog.
catalog.environment_variables (SSISDB Database)
Displays the environment variable details for all environments in the Integration
Services catalog.
catalog.environments (SSISDB Database)
Displays the environment details for all environments in the Integration Services catalog.
Environments contain variables that can be referenced by Integration
Services projects.
catalog.execution_parameter_values (SSISDB Database)
Displays the actual parameter values that are used by Integration Services packages
during an instance of execution.
catalog.executions (SSISDB Database)
Displays the instances of package execution in the Integration Services catalog. Packages that are
executed with the Execute Package task run in the same instance of
execution as the parent package.
catalog.explicit_object_permissions (SSISDB Database)
Displays only the permissions that have been explicitly assigned to the user.
catalog.extended_operation_info (SSISDB Database)
Displays extended information for all operations in the Integration Services catalog.
catalog.folders (SSISDB Database)
Displays the folders in the Integration Services catalog.
catalog.object_parameters (SSISDB Database)
Displays the parameters for all packages and projects in the Integration Services catalog.
catalog.object_versions (SSISDB Database)
Displays the versions of objects in the Integration Services catalog. In this release, only
versions of projects are supported in this view.
catalog.operation_messages (SSISDB Database)
Displays messages that are logged during operations in the Integration Services catalog.
catalog.operations (SSISDB Database)
Displays the details of all operations in the Integration Services catalog.
catalog.packages (SSISDB Database)
Displays the details for all packages that appear in the Integration Services catalog.
catalog.environment_references (SSISDB Database)
Displays the environment references for all projects in the Integration Services
catalog.projects (SSISDB Database)
Displays the details for all projects that appear in the Integration Services catalog.
catalog.validations (SSISDB Database)
Displays the details of all project and package validations in the Integration Services catalog.
catalog.master_properties (SSISDB Database)
Displays the properties of the Integration Services Scale Out Master.
catalog.worker_agents (SSISDB Database)
Displays the information of Integration Services Scale Out Worker.