I am attempting to unit test a custom RxJS operator. The operator is very simple, it uses RetryWhen to retry a failed HTTP request, but has a delay and will only retry when the HTTP Error is in the 500 range. Using jasmine, and this is in an Angular application.
I've looked at this:
Unfortunately, updating the SpyOn call doesn't seem to change the returned observable on successive retries. Each time it retries it is retrying with the original spyon Value.
I have also looked at a bunch of rxjs marble examples, none of which seem to work. I am not sure it is possible to use rxjs marbles here, because (AFAIK) there is no way to simulate a situation where you first submit an errored observable, then submit a successful observable on subsequent tries.
The code is basically a clone of this: https://blog.angularindepth.com/retry-failed-http-requests-in-angular-f5959d486294
export function delayedRetry(delayMS: number, maxRetry) {
let retries = maxRetry;
return (src: Observable<any>) =>
retryWhen((errors: Observable<any>) => errors.pipe(
mergeMap(error =>
(retries-- > 0 && error.status >= 500) ? of(error) : throwError(error))
I would like to be able to demonstrate that it can subscribe to an observable that returns an error on the first attempt, but then returns a successful response. The end subscription should show whatever success value the observable emits.
Thank you in advance for any insights.