I'm trying out the eleventy static site generator for the first time. Whenever I build, the content files are generated just fine, but none of the assets (CSS, JS, images, etc.) end up in the output directory - all that appears is the HTML, with broken links to the assets.
For now I'm using the default directory structure:
- project/
- _includes/
- _site/
- css/
- index.html
- node_modules/
- package-lock.json
- package.json
I've tried building it just like it is above, and I've tried putting the css in the _includes directory. I also tried putting the css in the output folder (_site/), and that worked, but it seems wrong to have to edit a source file in the output.
I've searched around, but none of the tutorials I've found ever address things like including CSS.
Is there a proper way to go about this that I'm missing, or are you really supposed to edit files in both the source and the output?