How do you use the heap package in Go?
Asked Answered



I've been trying to use the Heap package in Go and I am not sure on how to initialize it.

package main
import "container/heap"

type PriorityMessage struct {
    Priority int
    Message string

func priorityQueue() {
    //WOULD THIS not initialize the heap?
    h := heap.Init(h PriorityMessage)


I've been trying to find examples online of how other's initialized their heaps and all of them seem to create their own versions of the Go heap package everytime. Would calling the heap.Init(h Interface) function from the heap package not work?

Koontz answered 27/11, 2019 at 21:51 Comment(5)
See the example in the documentation.Plangent
That's what I was confused about, just like how in this example how they create the push, pop, len .etc functions, every time you wanted to use a heap would you have to write those functions as well or could you just call it from the heap package?Koontz
See the Interface documentation. The application provides simple operations for accessing the underlying data. The heap package uses those operations to implement heap semantics.Plangent
@Koontz Yes, of course.Ruthful
You can see the usage of container/heap package in this post along with some example usage:…Roehm

There is the heap.Interface what you should implement first.

type Interface interface {
    Push(x interface{}) // add x as element Len()
    Pop() interface{}   // remove and return element Len() - 1.

This means you should have the necessary methods for your PriorityMessage struct. After you pass the instance of the struct into the heap.Init(&pm).

You can find details in the godoc as linked in the comments.

Just to clarify the confusion. Go is a strongly typed language with lack of generics. So the heap package designed on the way that it's type independent. You can create your own implementation for all of the types what you want to implement. Any type implements the heap.Interface can be used by the heap package.

Equable answered 27/11, 2019 at 22:29 Comment(1)
"Go is a strongly typed language with lack of generics" this isn't true anymore. I'm surprised that wasn't updated to support it.Olympus
    // This example demonstrates an integer heap built using the heap interface.
    //package heap_test
    import (
    // An IntHeap is a min-heap of ints.
    type IntHeap []int
    func (h IntHeap) Len() int           { return len(h) }
    func (h IntHeap) Less(i, j int) bool { return h[i] < h[j] }
    func (h IntHeap) Swap(i, j int)      { h[i], h[j] = h[j], h[i] }
    func (h *IntHeap) Push(x interface{}) {
        // Push and Pop use pointer receivers because they modify the slice's length,
        // not just its contents.
        *h = append(*h, x.(int))
    func (h *IntHeap) Pop() interface{} {
        old := *h
        n := len(old)
        x := old[n-1]
        *h = old[0 : n-1]
        return x
    // This example inserts several ints into an IntHeap, checks the minimum,
    // and removes them in order of priority.
    func Example_intHeap() {
        h := &IntHeap{2, 1, 5}
        heap.Push(h, 3)
        fmt.Printf("minimum: %d\n", (*h)[0])
        for h.Len() > 0 {
            fmt.Printf("%d ", heap.Pop(h))
        // Output:
        // minimum: 1
        // 1 2 3 5
Clarethaclaretta answered 17/7, 2021 at 22:0 Comment(2)
Little bit explanation would be nicer.Anathematize
added a tutorial here

The heap package expects that you provide an object that meets the heap.Interface. So, in the example, both IntHeap and PriorityQueue are the objects that meet the interface. I think that the confusion is that most people would expect the example to work differently e.g.

    q := NewMinimumPriorityQueue()
    q.Push("A", 1)
    q.Push("E", 5)
    q.Push("D", 4)
    q.Push("B", 2)
    item := q.Pop() // giving A

To be able to achieve this, it needs 2 objects implemented:

  • A store (heap) that meets heap.Interface
  • A priority queue

So the heap implementation for a min priority queue would be something like:

type element struct {
    priority int
    data     any
    index    int

type store []*element

func (s *store) Len() int {
    return len(*s)

func (s *store) Less(i, j int) bool {
    h := *s
    return h[i].priority < h[j].priority

func (s *store) Swap(i, j int) {
    h := *s
    h[j], h[i] = h[i], h[j]
    h[i].index = i
    h[j].index = j

func (s *store) Push(x any) {
    h := *s
    h = append(h, x.(*element))
    *s = h

func (s *store) Pop() any {
    h := *s
    n := len(h)
    if len(h) > 0 {
        el := h[n-1]
        *s = h[0 : n-1]
        return el
    return nil

The public min priority queue implementation:

type MinimumPriorityQueue struct {
    store store

func NewMinimumPriorityQueue() *MinimumPriorityQueue {
    q := &MinimumPriorityQueue{
        store: make([]*element, 0),
    return q

func (q *MinimumPriorityQueue) Push(data any, priority int) {
    // append the element to the store
    el := &element{
        priority: priority,
        data:     data,
    heap.Push(&, el)

    // fix the store order
    heap.Fix(&, el.index)

func (q *MinimumPriorityQueue) Pop() any {
    if q.Len() == 0 {
        return nil

    el := heap.Pop(&
    if el == nil {
        return nil

    return el.(*element).data

Store the store is an internal, low-level implementation that is used by the public MinimumPriorityQueue.

Evadne answered 9/11, 2024 at 17:45 Comment(0)

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