I want create an Azure App Service with a custom hostname binding and a managed SSL certificate.
When I create a single Bicep-template, the certificate resource can only be deployed if the hostname binding is already created. But to create a hostname binding, I need the certificate thumbprint.
Updating the hostname binding in the same template also is not possible, as a resource can only exist once in a template.
// hostname bindings must be deployed one by one to prevent Conflict (HTTP 429) errors.
resource customHostnameWithoutSsl 'Microsoft.web/sites/hostnameBindings@2019-08-01' = [for fqdn in customHostnames: {
name: '${webAppService.name}/${fqdn}'
properties: {
siteName: webAppService.name
hostNameType: 'Verified'
sslState: 'Disabled'
// Managed certificates can only be created once the hostname is added to the web app.
resource certificates 'Microsoft.Web/certificates@2022-03-01' = [for (fqdn, i) in customHostnames: {
name: '${fqdn}-${webAppName}'
location: location
properties: {
serverFarmId: appServicePlanResourceId
canonicalName: fqdn
dependsOn: [ ]
// sslState and thumbprint can only be set once the managed certificate is created
resource customHostname 'Microsoft.web/sites/hostnameBindings@2019-08-01' = [for (fqdn, i) in customHostnames: {
name: '${webAppService.name}/${fqdn}'
properties: {
siteName: webAppService.name
hostNameType: 'Verified'
sslState: 'SniEnabled'
thumbprint: certificates[i].properties.thumbprint
Is there another way to create a single deployment template to deploy an Azure App Service with a managed SSL certificate for the custom hostname?