I'm trying to execute the example code of the huggingface website:
from transformers import GPTJTokenizer, TFGPTJModel
import tensorflow as tf
tokenizer = GPTJTokenizer.from_pretrained("EleutherAI/gpt-j-6B")
model = TFGPTJModel.from_pretrained("EleutherAI/gpt-j-6B")
inputs = tokenizer("Hello, my dog is cute", return_tensors="tf")
outputs = model(inputs)
last_hidden_states = outputs.last_hidden_state
I'm using anaconda and I installed the transformers package beforehand with conda install -c huggingface transformers
as explained in the documentation. But I still get this error, when I'm trying to execute the code. Following error message pops up: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'huggingface_hub.utils'
How to resolve this error?