After updating to Android Gradle Plugin 8.0, I get the following build-time errors during the minifyReleaseAndroidTestWithR8 step:
Missing classes detected while running R8. Please add the missing classes or apply additional keep rules that are generated in C:\Users\...\app\build\outputs\mapping\releaseAndroidTest\missing_rules.txt.
Missing class io.reactivex.Flowable (referenced from: io.reactivex.Flowable io.realm.BaseRealm.asFlowable() and 5 other contexts)
Missing class io.reactivex.Observable (referenced from: io.reactivex.Observable io.realm.RealmList.asChangesetObservable() and 3 other contexts)
Missing class java.lang.ClassValue (referenced from: java.lang.ClassValue$GetCheckedTypeValidatorHolder$ClassValueValidator.isValidClass and 3 other contexts)
I understand that prior to AGP 8.0 missing classes were treated as warnings, and now they are errors. So I added the rules from the missing_rules.txt
file to my
-dontwarn io.reactivex.Flowable
-dontwarn io.reactivex.Observable
-dontwarn java.lang.ClassValue
However, the newly-added -dontwarn
rules seem to have no effect. I get the same "Missing class" errors on subsequent builds. I have tried building after cleaning the project, building after restarting Android Studio, and building after invalidating Android Studio's cache. All to no avail.
I have also tried adding ".**" to each rule. I still get the same "Missing class" errors.
My proguard-rules
file has another -dontwarn
rule which does work:
-dontwarn sun.misc.Cleaner
If I remove this rule, I get a missing class warning for sun.misc.Cleaner
(as expected), and if I re-instate the rule, the error goes away. This would appear to indicate that the problem is not a fundamental problem with -dontwarn
If I disable minifyEnabled
, the build completes without error.
Two of the three missing (io.reactivex
) classes are referenced from Realm classes. Not sure if that is significant.
I've run out of things to try, and would welcome any thoughts/suggestions.
Thanks for reading.
-dontwarn sun.misc.Cleaner # this one works
-dontwarn io.reactivex.Flowable # has no effect
-dontwarn io.reactivex.Observable # has no effect
-dontwarn java.lang.ClassValue # has no effect
# don't obfuscate field names of RealmObjects that are imported/exported via JSON
# e.g. design & project, and their sub-ordinate classes
-keep class** { <fields>; }
-keep class com.something.model.project.** { <fields>; }
# don't obfuscate the fields in BracingButtonBar's ViewBinding class
-keep class com.something.databinding.BracingButtonBarBinding { <fields>; }
# Without this: BracingButtonBarBinding.class.getDeclaredFields() will not
# return the fields for the CheckImageButtons.
# This breaks BracingButtonBar.getButtons().
# don't obfuscate the fields in FretboardValuesDialog's ViewBinding class
-keep class com.something.databinding.FretboardValuesDialogBinding { <fields>; }
# Without this: will crash when raising the FretboardValuesDialog.
-keepattributes *Annotation*, Exceptions
# retain source file names and line numbers in stack traces
-keepattributes SourceFile, LineNumberTable
# de-obfuscating within inner classes doesn't seem to work, maybe this will help?
-keepattributes InnerClasses