I have a .NET minimal API project, as described here. One of the endpoints accepts JSON in the request body, and this is deserialized automatically. The code looks something like this:
app.MapPost("/myendpoint", async (MyInputFromBody input) => { ... });
This works in general, but I would like to specify options for deserialization. For instance, the JSON has some date fields such as "myDate": "2021-04-01T06:00:00"
, which can be converted to a DateTime, but an empty date value "myDate": ""
throws an exception (System.FormatException: The JSON value is not in a supported DateTime format.).
I found a suggestion to write my own DateTime converter and use this:
.AddJsonOptions(options => options.JsonSerializerOptions.Converters.Add(new JsonDateTimeConverter()));
but this doesn't seem to do anything. A breakpoint in my converter is never hit, and I get the same exception as before.
Is there a way to specify JSON options, or should I use a string parameter, as in [FromBody] string body
, and parse that myself?