To expand on Chris's post, here's a more thorough explanation of how you can do this.
This isn't the most ideal scenario, as the property holding the enum has to be a bit more complex than usual, but it works.
Converter code:
public class EnumFlagConverter : IValueConverter
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
var theEnum = value as Enum;
return theEnum.HasFlag(parameter as Enum);
public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
var theEnum = parameter as Enum;
return theEnum;
XAML for converter:
<local:EnumFlagConverter x:Key="MyConverter" />
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Path=SportTypeEnum, Converter={StaticResource MyConverter},ConverterParameter={x:Static local:SportTypes.Baseball}}" Content="Baseball"/>
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Path=SportTypeEnum, Converter={StaticResource MyConverter},ConverterParameter={x:Static local:SportTypes.Basketball}}" Content="Basketball"/>
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding Path=SportTypeEnum, Converter={StaticResource MyConverter},ConverterParameter={x:Static local:SportTypes.Football}}" Content="Football"/>
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding ..../>
Then, to bind to this, I did a bit of trickery to get the converter to work properly:
private SportTypeEnum _TheSportType;
public SportTypeEnum _TheSportType
get { return _TheSportType; }
if (_TheSportType.HasFlag(value))
_TheSportType &= ~value;
_TheSportType |= value;
Because of this special setter logic, you probably want to include a method like this to allow you to fully set the value from code:
private void ResetTheSportType()
_TheSportType = _TheSportType.None;
NotifyPropertyChanged(() => TheSportType);