I develop part of some JBoss+EJB based enterprise application. My module needs to process huge amount of incoming UDP packets. I've done some load testing and it looks that in case of sending packets with 11ms interval everything is fine, but in case of 10ms interval some packets are lost. It's rather strange in my opinion, but I done 10/11ms interval load tests comparison several times and it is always the same result (10 ms - some "lost" packets, 11ms - everything's fine).
If it was something wrong with synchronization, I'd expect that it will also be visible in case of 11ms tests (at least one packet lost, or at least one wrong counter value). So if it is not because of synchronization, then maybe DatagramSocket through which I receive packets doesn't work as expected.
I found that receive buffer size (SO_RCVBUF) has default 57344 value (probably it's underlying IO network buffers dependent). I suspect, that maybe when this buffer goes full, then new incoming UDP datagrams are rejected. I tried set this value to some higher, but I noticed that if I exaggerate, buffer returns to its default size. If it's underlying layer dependent how can I find out maximum buffer size for certain OS/network card from JBoss level?
Is it possible that it is caused by receive buffer size, or maybe 57344 value is big enough to handle most cases? Do you have any experience with such issues?
There is no timeout set on my DatagramSocket. My UDP datagrams contains about 70 bytes of data (value without datagram header included).
[Edited] I have to use UDP because I receive Cisco Netflow data - it is protocol used by network devices to send some traffic statistics. Also, I have no influence on sent bytes format (e.g. I cannot add counters for packets and so on). It is not expected that all packets will be processed (some datagrams may be lost), but I'd expect that I will process most of packets. During 10ms interval tests, about 30% of packets were lost.
It is not very possible that slow processing causes this issue. Currently singleton component holds reference to DatagramSocket calling receive method in a loop. When packet is received, it is passed to the queue, and processed by picked from pool stateless component. "Facade" Singleton is only responsible for receiving packets and passing it on to the processing (it does not wait for processing complete event).
Thanks in advance, Piotr