Here's some code we wrote in an app quite some time ago, where we were doing something similar. It's not the best, but you may be able to adapt, or get some sort of jumping off point.
public static class UnitConversion
public static string[] lstFootUnits = new string[] {"foots", "foot", "feets", "feet", "ft", "f", "\""};
public static string sFootUnit = "ft";
public static string[] lstInchUnits = new string[] { "inches", "inchs", "inch", "in", "i", "\'" };
public static string sInchUnit = "in";
public static string[] lstPoundUnits = new string[] { "pounds", "pound", "pnds", "pnd", "lbs", "lb", "l", "p" };
public static string sPoundUnit = "lbs";
public static string[] lstOunceUnits = new string[] { "ounces", "ounce", "ozs", "oz", "o" };
public static string sOunceUnit = "oz";
public static string[] lstCentimeterUnits = new string[] { "centimeters", "centimeter", "centimetres", "centimetre", "cms", "cm", "c"};
public static string sCentimeterUnit = "cm";
public static string[] lstKilogramUnits = new string[] { "kilograms", "kilogram", "kilos", "kilo", "kgs", "kg", "k" };
public static string sKilogramsUnit = "kgs";
/// <summary>
/// Attempt to convert between feet/inches and cm
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sHeight"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string ConvertHeight(string sHeight)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sHeight))
sHeight = UnitConversion.CleanHeight(sHeight);
if (sHeight.Contains(UnitConversion.sFootUnit))
sHeight = sHeight.Replace(UnitConversion.sFootUnit, "|");
sHeight = sHeight.Replace(UnitConversion.sInchUnit, "|");
string[] sParts = sHeight.Split('|');
double? dFeet = null;
double? dInches = null;
double dFeetParsed;
double dInchesParsed;
if (sParts.Length >= 2 && double.TryParse(sParts[0].Trim(), out dFeetParsed))
dFeet = dFeetParsed;
if (sParts.Length >= 4 && double.TryParse(sParts[2].Trim(), out dInchesParsed))
dInches = dInchesParsed;
sHeight = UnitConversion.FtToCm(UnitConversion.CalculateFt(dFeet ?? 0, dInches ?? 0)).ToString() + " " + UnitConversion.sCentimeterUnit;
else if (sHeight.Contains(UnitConversion.sCentimeterUnit))
sHeight = sHeight.Replace(UnitConversion.sCentimeterUnit, "|");
string[] sParts = sHeight.Split('|');
double? dCentimeters = null;
double dCentimetersParsed;
if (sParts.Length >= 2 && double.TryParse(sParts[0].Trim(), out dCentimetersParsed))
dCentimeters = dCentimetersParsed;
int? iFeet;
int? iInches;
if (UnitConversion.CmToFt(dCentimeters, out iFeet, out iInches))
sHeight = (iFeet != null) ? iFeet.ToString() + " " + UnitConversion.sFootUnit : "";
sHeight += (iInches != null) ? " " + iInches.ToString() + " " + UnitConversion.sInchUnit : "";
sHeight = sHeight.Trim();
sHeight = "";
sHeight = "";
sHeight = "";
return sHeight;
/// <summary>
/// Attempt to convert between Kgs and Lbs
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sWeight"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string ConvertWeight(string sWeight)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sWeight))
sWeight = UnitConversion.CleanWeight(sWeight);
if (sWeight.Contains(UnitConversion.sKilogramsUnit))
sWeight = sWeight.Replace(UnitConversion.sKilogramsUnit, "|");
string[] sParts = sWeight.Split('|');
double? dKilograms = null;
double dKilogramsParsed;
if (sParts.Length >= 2 && double.TryParse(sParts[0].Trim(), out dKilogramsParsed))
dKilograms = dKilogramsParsed;
sWeight = UnitConversion.KgToLbs(dKilograms).ToString("#.###") + " " + UnitConversion.sPoundUnit;
else if (sWeight.Contains(UnitConversion.sPoundUnit))
sWeight = sWeight.Replace(UnitConversion.sPoundUnit, "|");
string[] sParts = sWeight.Split('|');
double? dPounds = null;
double dPoundsParsed;
if (sParts.Length >= 2 && double.TryParse(sParts[0].Trim(), out dPoundsParsed))
dPounds = dPoundsParsed;
sWeight = UnitConversion.LbsToKg(dPounds).ToString("#.###") + " " + UnitConversion.sKilogramsUnit;
sWeight = "";
sWeight = "";
return sWeight;
public static double? CalculateFt(double dFt, double dInch)
double? dFeet = null;
if (dFt >= 0 && dInch >= 0 && dInch <= 12)
dFeet = dFt + (dInch / 12);
return dFeet;
public static double KgToLbs(double? dKg)
if (dKg == null)
return 0;
return dKg.Value * 2.20462262;
public static double LbsToKg(double? dLbs)
if (dLbs == null)
return 0;
return dLbs.Value / 2.20462262;
public static double FtToCm(double? dFt)
if (dFt == null)
return 0;
return dFt.Value * 30.48;
public static bool CmToFt(double? dCm, out int? iFt, out int? iInch)
if (dCm == null)
iFt = null;
iInch = null;
return false;
double dCalcFeet = dCm.Value / 30.48;
double dCalcInches = dCalcFeet - Math.Floor(dCalcFeet);
dCalcFeet = Math.Floor(dCalcFeet);
dCalcInches = dCalcInches * 12;
iFt = (int)dCalcFeet;
iInch = (int)dCalcInches;
return true;
private static string CleanUnit(string sOriginal, string[] lstReplaceUnits, string sReplaceWithUnit)
System.Text.StringBuilder sbPattern = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
foreach (string sReplace in lstReplaceUnits)
if (sbPattern.Length > 0)
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex rReplace = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(sbPattern.ToString(), System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
sOriginal = rReplace.Replace(sOriginal, sReplaceWithUnit);
/*foreach (string sReplace in lstReplaceUnits)
sOriginal = sOriginal.Replace(sReplace, " " + sReplaceWithUnit);
return sOriginal;
private static bool StringHasNumbers(string sText)
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex rxNumbers = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("[0-9]+");
return rxNumbers.IsMatch(sText);
private static string ReduceSpaces(string sText)
while (sText.Contains(" "))
sText = sText.Replace(" ", " ");
return sText;
private static string SeperateNumbers(string sText)
bool bNumber = false;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sText))
for (int iChar = 0; iChar < sText.Length; iChar++)
bool bIsNumber = (sText[iChar] >= '0' && sText[iChar] <= '9') ||
(sText[iChar] == '.' && iChar < sText.Length - 1 && sText[iChar + 1] >= '0' && sText[iChar + 1] <= '9');
if (iChar > 0 && bIsNumber != bNumber)
sText = sText.Insert(iChar, " ");
bNumber = bIsNumber;
return sText;
public static string CleanHeight(string sHeight)
if (UnitConversion.StringHasNumbers(sHeight))
sHeight = SeperateNumbers(sHeight);
sHeight = CleanUnit(sHeight, UnitConversion.lstFootUnits, UnitConversion.sFootUnit);
sHeight = CleanUnit(sHeight, UnitConversion.lstInchUnits, UnitConversion.sInchUnit);
sHeight = CleanUnit(sHeight, UnitConversion.lstCentimeterUnits, UnitConversion.sCentimeterUnit);
sHeight = SeperateNumbers(sHeight);
sHeight = ReduceSpaces(sHeight);
sHeight = "";
return sHeight;
public static string CleanWeight(string sWeight)
if (UnitConversion.StringHasNumbers(sWeight))
sWeight = SeperateNumbers(sWeight);
sWeight = CleanUnit(sWeight, UnitConversion.lstOunceUnits, UnitConversion.sOunceUnit);
sWeight = CleanUnit(sWeight, UnitConversion.lstPoundUnits, UnitConversion.sPoundUnit);
sWeight = CleanUnit(sWeight, UnitConversion.lstKilogramUnits, UnitConversion.sKilogramsUnit);
sWeight = SeperateNumbers(sWeight);
sWeight = ReduceSpaces(sWeight);
sWeight = "";
return sWeight;