check this in your sever code, port 2195 for distribution, port 2195
- Log-in to the iPhone Developer Program Portal.
- Choose App IDs from the menu on the right.
- Create an App ID without a wildcard.
- Click the Configure link next to this App ID and then click on the button to start the wizard to generate a new Development Push SSL Certificate. for development (or) to generate a new Production Push SSL Certificate for distribution.
- Download this certificate and double click on aps_developer_identity.cer to import it into your Keychain
- Launch Keychain Assistant and click on My Certificates on the left
Expand Apple Development Push Services and select Apple Development Push Services
- Right-click and choose "Export 1 elements..." and save as apns-cert.p12.
AND your private key in the same expand area
Right-click and choose "Export 1 elements..." and save as apns-key.p12.
8.Open Terminal and change directory to location used to save .p12 and convert the PKCS12 certificate bundle into PEM format using this command
i). openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -out apns-cert.pem -in apns-cert.p12
ii). openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -out apns-key.pem -in apns-key.p12
here u have to give some key for access into the php code.
Remove passphrase
iii). openssl rsa -in apns-key.pem -out apns-key-noenc.pem
here u have to give same key for Remove passphrase.
iv). cat apns-cert.pem apns-key-noenc.pem > apns-dev.pem.
Now you can use this PEM file as your certificate in ApnsPHP!