From what I can make out NoSQL databases might be a good option for high intensity data read applications, but are a less good fit if you need to do also do a lot data updates and transactionality is very important to you (what with there being no ACID compliance). Right? Too simplistic maybe.
But anyway, supposing I'm partly right at least I'm now concerned about how NoSQL databases maintain a "read consistent" view of the data that you're either reading or writing. Or do they? And if they don't, isn't that a really big problem?
I mean, if the data that you're reading (or updating) is changing as you read it then you're potentially going to get an inconsistent/dirty result set. Coming from an Oracle rdbms background, where all this is just handled for you, I find it confusing how the lack of read consistency is anything but a big problem. Could well be though that I'm missing some key point about all this. Can someone set me straight?