To have your widget usable in Uibinder it must implement at least IsWidget interface. Being a widget already, it of course already implements IsWidget.
Therefore, any non-widget could also be used as a child widget element in uibinder by having it implement IsWidget.
The IsWidget interface requires the non-widget to implement the method asWidget()
. Therefore, such a non-widget would have to act as a widget container.
Implementing IsWidget will only allow the class to be used as a child widget element.
Let's say your class is
In order for it be able to have child widget elements, it must implement HasWidgets
<g:button ..../>
Or, it could also just implement HasOneWidget.
In order to allow the class to have text between its uibinder tags, it must implement HasText.
In order to accept valid HTML between its tags, I believe you should have it implement HasHTML.
field, even if you can't specify the generic type in the xml file. – Aimee