I get the following two compiler errors (Resharper 7.0.1 reports no errors):
Predefined type 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachine' is not defined or imported
Cannot find all types required by the 'async' modifier. Are you targeting the wrong framework version, or missing a reference to an assembly?
but this code will not compile:
public class Class1
public Class1()
public async Task<DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs> Um()
var client = new WebClient();
return await Observable.FromEvent<DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs>(x => client.DownloadStringCompleted += x,
x => client.DownloadStringCompleted -= x);
I've seen MSBuild doesn't find async required references already except that I have VS 2012 NOT VS 11 Beta - although it was installed. Also I tried it in a brand new assembly, no xaml namespace pointing to the application.