I am trying to decode some data sent from a big-endian machine to the decoder, which is residing on a little-endian machine. I haven't worked with this very much, and I feel like I am confusing myself.
I use bitsets to print my data so that I can see exactly how it is coming out for a particular 32 bit structure, and I can see that the data I need is in the middle of the bit sequence.
Now, I know that if you have a 32-bit value, to go from big to little, you reverse the byte ordering. If I do that, my numbers are not ending up where I expect them to be (done by hand).
So, for example. I have a 32-bit unsigned int. I know that it is coming from my Big-Endian machine as 0x50000000. When I print this using the bitset on the little-endian machine cout << "packSpare 32: " << bitset<32>(Data.pack_Spare).to_string() << endl;
I get 0x00005000. So it looks more like it swapped the first two bytes, in order, with the second two bytes, in order.
I originally had a struct like this:
#pragma pack(push, 1)
int Spare3:28;
int Heading_Reference:1;
int Spare2:1;
int H_Valid:1;
int Spare5:1;
#pragma pack(pop)
Which is in the reverse order of how it is sent from the big endian machine, but I noticed the issure regarding some obvious swapping of bits happening, so I wanted to just pull the whole thing in as 32 bits, then swap, then print the data. Now I am just using int pack_Spare;
Is it just taking the two 16 bit chunks, and swapping those, rather than doing the swap on the entire 32-bit value? Sorry if this doesn't make sense, like I said, I am kind of confused.
EDIT This data is not coming over a network. I am streaming bits from a video file. I store this data into its corresponding values. So I guess my question is if I have a 32 bit int, and then fread data into that variable, if I use bitset, why is it swapping the two 16-bit groupings of my 32 bit int, rather than doing it by byte? I'm expecting 0x50000000, but I get 0x00005000 (0000 and 5000 got swapped, instead of what I was expecting for typical endian swapping, which was reversing the order of all bytes).
is not referring to where the bytes came from, but the "network byte order" which is big endian. – Terret