When I use the rails console on my current laptop (on any rails project), I get the following error when the console starts up.
Rails console error: Error loading ~/.pryrc: Command: `continue` not found
The console still loads and operates correctly but I can't seem to figure out the cause of the error.
Here are the contents of .pryrc.
Pry.config.pager = false
Pry.config.color = true
Pry.commands.alias_command 'c', 'continue'
Pry.commands.alias_command 's', 'step'
Pry.commands.alias_command 'n', 'next'
If I remove the third line and run rails console, the error I get a similar error that references 'step' instead. The error doesn't affect my ability to troubleshoot but I'd really like to understand the underlying issue.