Since a code example is worth a thousand words I'll start with that:
testList = [1,2,2,3,4,5]
testSet = map sumMapper $ tails testList
where sumMapper [] = []
sumMapper (a:b) = sumMap a b
sumMap a b = map (+ a) b
This code takes a list and adds up all the elements to get the sum of all of them (I'd also be interested in efficiency of this). The output of testSet is:
I would like to find the union of these lists (to make it into a set) but I feel that:
whatIWant = foldl1 union testSet
will have bad performance (the real lists will be thousands of elements long).
Is this the correct solution or am I missing something obvious?
always in non-decreasing order (as is the case with your example here)? – Shaff